Smith is one of the most common surnames in the English-speaking world. Following is a list of notable people with the surname Smith.
- A. Hyatt Smith (1814–1892), American politician
- A. Ledyard Smith (1901–1985), American archaeologist
- Aaron Smith (disambiguation)
- Abby Hadassah Smith (1797–1879), American suffragist
- Abel Smith (disambiguation)
- Abigail Smith (fl. 1990s–2010s), New Zealand academic
- Abraham Smith (disambiguation)
- Abram Smith (disambiguation)
- Adam Smith (disambiguation)
- Adrian Smith (disambiguation)
- Ahmaad Smith (born 1983), American football player
- AJ Smith, American songwriter and musician
- Akili Smith (born 1975), Canadian and American football player
- Al Smith (disambiguation)
- Alan Smith (disambiguation)
- Alana Smith (disambiguation)
- Albert Smith (disambiguation)
- Aldon Smith (born 1989), American football player
- Aleck Smith (1871–1919), American baseball catcher
- Alex Smith (disambiguation)
- Alexander Smith (disambiguation)
- Alfred Smith (disambiguation)
- Ali Smith (born 1962), Scottish novelist and writer
- Alice Smith (disambiguation)
- Alison or Allison Smith (disambiguation)
- Alvin Smith (disambiguation)
- Amanda Smith (disambiguation)
- Ambrose Smith (died 1584) English textile merchant and landowner
- Amy Smith (disambiguation)
- Andre Smith (disambiguation)
- Andrea Smith (disambiguation)
- Andy or Andrew Smith (disambiguation)
- Angela Smith (disambiguation)
- Anna Smith (disambiguation)
- Anne Smith (disambiguation)
- Annie Smith (disambiguation)
- Anno Smith (1915–1990), Dutch ceramist, painter and sculptor
- Anthony Smith (disambiguation)
- Antonio Smith (disambiguation)
- April Smith (disambiguation)
- Apisai Smith (born 1983), New Zealand-based Fijian footballer
- Arabella Smith (fl. 1990s), Turks and Caicos Islands politician
- Archibald Smith (disambiguation)
- Archie Smith (disambiguation)
- Argile Smith (born 1955), clergyman and interim university president
- Arnold Smith (disambiguation)
- Árón Smith (born 1989), Irish racing driver
- Art Smith (disambiguation)
- Arthur Smith (disambiguation)
- Ashbel Smith (1805–1886), father of the University of Texas, politician, doctor
- Ashley Smith (disambiguation)
- August E. Smith (1879–1969), American politician and educator
- Augustus Smith (disambiguation)
- Austin Smith (disambiguation)
- Barbara Smith (disambiguation)
- Barry Smith (disambiguation)
- Bella Smith (born 2001), Australian rules footballer
- Benjamin or Ben Smith (disambiguation)
- Bernie or Bernard Smith (disambiguation)
- Bert Smith (disambiguation)
- Bessie Smith (1894–1937), American blues singer
- Betty Smith (disambiguation)
- Bill or Billy Smith - see William Smith (disambiguation)
- Bob or Bobby Smith - Robert Smith (disambiguation)
- Bradley or Brad Smith (disambiguation)
- Braden Smith (born 1996), American football player
- Brandon Smith (disambiguation)
- Brandt Smith (born 1959), Arkansas state legislator
- Brendan Smith (disambiguation)
- Brian Smith (disambiguation)
- Brittany Smith (disambiguation)
- Brooke Smith (disambiguation)
- Bruce Smith (disambiguation)
- Bruton Smith (1927–2022), American car racing promoter and CEO
- Bryan Smith (disambiguation)
- Bubba Smith (1945–2011), American football player and actor
- Bud Smith (disambiguation)
- Burch Smith (born 1990), American baseball player
- C. Aubrey Smith (1863–1948), English cricketer and actor
- Cal Smith (1932–2013), American country singer
- Caleb Smith (disambiguation)
- Cameron Smith (disambiguation)
- Carl Smith (disambiguation)
- Cary Smith (disambiguation)
- Catherine or Cathy Smith - see Katherine Smith (disambiguation)
- Cecil Smith (disambiguation)
- Cedric Smith (disambiguation)
- Celestine Smith (1903–1975), American psychotherapist
- Chad Smith (disambiguation)
- Charitie Lees Smith (1741–1823), Irish hymnwriter, religious writer
- Charlie or Charles Smith (disambiguation)
- Charlotte Smith (disambiguation)
- Chloe Smith (born 1982), Conservative Party politician
- Chloe Smith (musician) (born c. 1983 or 1984), singer with Rising Appalachia
- Chris Smith (disambiguation)
- Christen Smith (1785–1816), Norwegian naturalist, aka Christian or Chretien Smith
- Christian Smith (disambiguation)
- Christina Smith (disambiguation)
- Christine Smith (disambiguation)
- Christopher Smith (disambiguation)
- Chuck Smith (disambiguation)
- Clarence Smith (disambiguation)
- Clark Smith (disambiguation)
- Clay Smith (disambiguation)
- Clement Smith (disambiguation)
- Cleo Smith (born 2017/2018), Australian child who was abducted and rescued 18 days later
- Clifford Smith (disambiguation)
- Clifton Smith (disambiguation)
- Clive Smith (disambiguation)
- Clyde Smith (disambiguation)
- Colin Smith (disambiguation)
- Connie Smith (born 1941), American musician
- Conrad Smith (born 1981), New Zealand rugby player
- Constance Smith (1929-2003), Irish actor
- Cordwainer Smith (pen name; 1913–1966), American science fiction author
- Corey Smith (disambiguation)
- Cotesworth P. Smith (1807–1862), Justice of the Supreme Court of Mississippi
- Courtney Smith (disambiguation)
- Craig Smith (disambiguation)
- Curt Smith (disambiguation)
- Cyril Smith (disambiguation)
- Dale Smith (disambiguation)
- Dallas Smith (born 1977), Canadian singer and songwriter
- Dallas Smith (ice hockey) (born 1941), Canadian ice hockey defenceman
- Dallis Smith (born 1965), American football player
- Dalton Smith (born 1997), British boxer
- Damian Smith (disambiguation)
- Damien Smith (disambiguation)
- Dan Smith (disambiguation)
- Daniel Smith (disambiguation)
- Danny Smith (disambiguation)
- D'Ante Smith (born 1998), American football player
- Darrell Smith (disambiguation)
- Darren Smith (disambiguation)
- Darryl, Daryle or Daryl Smith (disambiguation)
- Dave Smith (disambiguation)
- David Smith (disambiguation)
- Dean Smith (disambiguation)
- Deborah or Debbie Smith (disambiguation)
- Delazon Smith (1816–1860), American politician
- Delbert K. Smith (1862–1905), American politician
- Delia Smith (born 1941), British television cook
- Delia Dueñas Smith (1966-1985), stage name Pepsi Paloma, Filipino-American dancer and actress
- Delos H. Smith (1884–1963), American architect
- DeMaurice Smith (born 1964), American lawyer and labor official
- Dena A. Smith (1899–1968), American politician
- Denis Smith (disambiguation)
- Dennis Smith (disambiguation)
- Derek Smith (disambiguation)
- Derrick Smith (disambiguation)
- Derron Smith (born 1992), American football player
- Desmond or Des Smith (disambiguation)
- De'Veon Smith (born 1994), American football player
- Devin Smith (disambiguation)
- Devon Smith (born 1981), Grenadian cricketer
- DeVonta Smith (born 1998), American football player
- Dewey Smith (1972–2009), American aquanaut
- Dhane Smith (born 1992), Canadian lacrosse player
- Dick Smith (disambiguation)
- Digby Smith (born 1935), British military historian
- Dinitia Smith (born 1945), American author and filmmaker
- D'Joun Smith (born 1992), American football player
- Dodie Smith (1896–1990), English novelist and playwright
- Dominic Smith (disambiguation)
- Don Smith (disambiguation)
- Donald Smith (disambiguation)
- Donna Smith (disambiguation)
- Donta Smith (born 1983), professional basketball player in the Israeli Basketball Premier League
- Doug or Douglas Smith (disambiguation)
- Drew Smith (disambiguation)
- Dudley Smith (1926–2016), British politician
- Dwayne Smith (born 1983), Barbadian cricketer
- Dwight Smith (disambiguation)
- Dylan Smith (disambiguation)
- Earl Smith (disambiguation)
- Eben Smith (1832–1906), American businessman
- Ed Smith (disambiguation)
- Edgar Smith (disambiguation)
- Edith Smith (disambiguation)
- Edmond L. Smith (1829–1891), American politician from Pennsylvania and Colorado
- Edmund Smith (disambiguation)
- Edward Smith (disambiguation)
- Edwin Smith (disambiguation)
- E. E. Smith (1890–1965), American science fiction author
- Egerton Smith (1774–1841), British publisher
- Elaine Smith (disambiguation)
- Elbert Smith (disambiguation)
- Eleanor Rosalynn Smith, maiden name of Rosalynn Carter (1927–2023), wife of former US President Jimmy Carter
- Elerson Smith (born 1998), American football player
- Elihu Hubbard Smith (1771–1798), American physician and man of letters
- Elijah Smith (disambiguation)
- Elizabeth Smith (disambiguation)
- Ella Smith (disambiguation)
- Elliott Smith (1969–2003), American singer-songwriter
- Ellis Smith (1896–1969), British Labour Party politician
- Ellison D. Smith (1864–1944), American politician, South Carolina senator
- Elmer Smith (disambiguation)
- Eloise Smith (disambiguation)
- Elske Smith (born 1929), Dutch-American astronomer
- Emily Smith (disambiguation)
- Emma Smith (disambiguation)
- Emmanuel Smith (disambiguation)
- Emmitt Smith (born 1969), American football player
- Eric Smith (disambiguation)
- Erik Smith (1931–2004), German-born British record producer, pianist and harpsichordist
- Ernest Smith (disambiguation)
- Ernie Smith (disambiguation)
- Erwin Frink Smith (1854–1927), American bacteriologist
- Estelle Turrell Smith (1854–after 1896), American social reformer
- Ethan Smith (disambiguation)
- Ethel Smith (disambiguation)
- Eugene Smith (disambiguation)
- Eugénie M. Rayé-Smith (1871-1914), American lawyer and suffragist
- Eva Munson Smith (1843–1915), American composer, poet, author
- Gary Smith (disambiguation)
- Garth Smith (born 1955), bassist
- Garth Smith (musician, born 1960), LDS musician
- Gavin Smith (disambiguation)
- Gene Smith (disambiguation)
- Geno Smith (born 1990), American football player
- Geoff Smith (disambiguation)
- Geoffrey Smith (disambiguation)
- George Smith (disambiguation)
- Gerald Smith (disambiguation)
- Gerard Smith (disambiguation)
- Gladys Marie Smith (1892-1979), birth name of Canadian film star, producer, screenwriter and entrepreneur Mary Pickford
- Glen Smith (disambiguation)
- Germany Smith (1863–1927), 19th-century American baseball player
- Gerrit Smith (1797–1874), philanthropist, abolitionist, U.S. Representative from New York
- Gertrude Smith (1894–1985), American classicist
- Giles Alexander Smith (1829–1876), Union general in the American Civil War
- Givani Smith (born 1998), Canadian ice hockey player
- Gordon Smith (disambiguation)
- Grace Cossington Smith (1892–1984), Australian artist
- Graeme Smith (disambiguation)
- Graham Smith (disambiguation)
- Granger Smith (born 1979), American country music singer
- Grant Smith (disambiguation)
- Greg or Gregory Smith (disambiguation)
- Gretchen Smith (fl. 2010s), New York City Ballet dancer
- Griffin Smith (1885–1955), Chief Justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court
- Guy Smith (disambiguation)
- Hal Smith (disambiguation)
- Hamilton Smith (disambiguation)
- Hank Smith (disambiguation)
- Hannah Smith (disambiguation)
- Harold Smith (disambiguation)
- Harrison Smith (disambiguation)
- Harry Smith (disambiguation)
- Hart F. Smith (born 1962), American mathematician
- Harvest Smith (born 1963), American basketball player
- Harvey Smith (disambiguation)
- Hayden Smith (born 1985), Australian player of American football
- Haydon Smith (1901–1948), English cricketer
- Hayley Smith (disambiguation)
- Helen Smith (disambiguation)
- Henry Smith (disambiguation)
- Herbert Smith (disambiguation)
- Herman L. Smith (1892–1950), American mathematician
- Hilda Smith (disambiguation)
- Hobart Muir Smith (1912–2013), American herpetologist
- Hoke L. Smith (1931–2004), American university president
- Holly Smith (disambiguation)
- Honor Smith (1908–1995), English neurologist
- Hooley Smith (1903–1963), Canadian ice hockey player
- Horace Smith (disambiguation)
- Howard Smith (disambiguation)
- Huey "Piano" Smith (1934–2023), American R&B pianist
- Hugh Smith (disambiguation)
- Humphrey Smith (disambiguation)
- Hyrum Smith (disambiguation)
- Iain or Ian Smith (disambiguation)
- Ira Smith (disambiguation)
- Irv Smith Jr. (born 1998), American football player
- Irving Smith (cricketer) (1884–1971), English cricketer
- Irving Smith (RAF officer) (1917–2000), New Zealand flying ace
- Isaac Smith (disambiguation)
- Ito Smith (born 1995), American football player
- Ivor Smith (disambiguation)
- Jabari Smith (born 1977), American basketball player
- Jabari Smith Jr. (born 2003), American basketball player
- Jack Smith
- Jackie Smith (disambiguation)
- Jaclyn Smith (born 1945), American actress
- Jacob Smith (disambiguation)
- Jacqui Smith (born 1962), British politician
- Jada Pinkett Smith (born 1971), American actress and Will Smith's wife
- Jaden Smith (born 1998), American actor, son of actor Will Smith
- Jake Smith (disambiguation)
- Jaleen Smith (born 1994), American basketball player
- Jalen Smith (born 2000), American basketball player
- James Smith (disambiguation)
- Jamie Smith (disambiguation)
- Jamill Smith (born 1991), American football player
- Jane Smith (disambiguation)
- Janet Smith (disambiguation)
- Jason Smith (disambiguation)
- Jasper Smith (born 1965), English entrepreneur
- Jasper K. Smith (1905–1992), American politician
- Jay Smith (disambiguation)
- Jaylen Smith (disambiguation)
- Jaylon Smith (born 1995), American football player
- Jean Smith (disambiguation)
- Jedediah Smith (1799–1831), American frontiersman, explorer, cartographer and writer
- Jeff Smith (disambiguation)
- Jennifer Smith (disambiguation)
- Jeremiah Smith (disambiguation)
- Jeremy Smith (disambiguation)
- Jerome Smith (disambiguation)
- Jerry Smith (disambiguation)
- Jesse Smith (disambiguation)
- Jessica Smith (disambiguation)
- Jessie Smith (disambiguation)
- Jill W. Smith (born 1953), American philanthropist
- Jim Smith (disambiguation)
- Jimmy Smith (disambiguation)
- J'Mar Smith (born 1996), American football player
- Joan Smith (disambiguation)
- John Smith (disambiguation)
- Johnny Smith (disambiguation)
- Johnson Smith (disambiguation)
- Jonathan Smith (disambiguation)
- Jonnu Smith (born 1995), American football player
- Jordan Smith (disambiguation)
- Joe or Joseph Smith (disambiguation)
- Josh or Joshua Smith (disambiguation)
- Josiah Smith (disambiguation)
- Joy Smith (born 1947), Canadian House of Commons member
- J. R. Smith (born 1985), American basketball player
- J. T. Smith (disambiguation)
- Julia Smith (disambiguation)
- Julian Smith (disambiguation)
- Julie Smith (disambiguation)
- June Smith (disambiguation)
- Justice Smith (born 1995), American film and television actor
- Justin Smith (disambiguation)
- Kaden Smith (born 1997), American football player
- Karen Smith (disambiguation)
- Karin Smith (born 1955), American javelin thrower
- Karl Smith (disambiguation)
- Kate Smith (disambiguation)
- Katherine Smith (disambiguation)
- Kathleen Smith (disambiguation)
- Kathy Smith (disambiguation)
- Katie Smith (born 1974), American basketball player
- Kay Smith (disambiguation)
- Keely Smith (1928–2017), American singer
- Keith Smith (disambiguation)
- Kelly Smith (disambiguation)
- Ken, Kenny or Kenneth Smith (disambiguation)
- Kent Smith (disambiguation)
- Kevin Smith (disambiguation)
- Kermit Smith (fl. 2000s–2020s), American college baseball player and coach
- Kerr Smith (born 1972), American actor
- Kim Smith (disambiguation)
- Kion Smith (born 1998), American football player
- Kirsten Smith (disambiguation)
- Klondike Smith (1887–1959), English baseball player
- Kobe Smith (born 1998), American football player
- Kurtwood Smith (born 1943), American actor
- Kyle Smith
- Lamar Smith (disambiguation)
- Lance Smith (disambiguation)
- Lane Smith (1936–2005), American actor
- Larkin I. Smith (1944–1989), Mississippi politician
- Larry Smith (disambiguation)
- Lars Olsson Smith (1836–1913), Swedish distiller and politician
- Laura Smith (disambiguation)
- Lauren Smith (disambiguation)
- Laurids Smith (1754–1794), Danish clergyman, philosopher and early animal rights writer
- Laverne Smith (born 1954), American football player
- Lawrence Smith (disambiguation)
- Lawrie Smith (born 1956), British sailor
- Leah Smith (disambiguation)
- Lecitus Smith (born 1998), American football player
- Lee Smith (disambiguation)
- Leighton Smith (disambiguation)
- Lemuel Smith (disambiguation)
- Lenny Smith (born 1942), American singer, songwriter, and music publisher
- Lenzelle Smith Jr. (born 1991), American basketball player in the Israeli Basketball Premier League
- Leo Smith (disambiguation)
- Leon Smith (disambiguation)
- Len or Leonard Smith (disambiguation)
- Leroy Smith (disambiguation)
- Leslee Smith (born 1990), British Virgin Islands basketball player
- Leslie Smith (disambiguation)
- Lester Smith (disambiguation)
- Lewis Smith (disambiguation)
- Liam Smith (disambiguation)
- Lillian Smith (disambiguation)
- Linda Smith (disambiguation)
- Lisa Smith (disambiguation)
- Liz Smith (disambiguation)
- L. J. Smith (born 1980), Philadelphia Eagles football player
- Lonnie Smith (disambiguation)
- Loren A. Smith (born 1944), judge of the United States Court of Federal Claims
- Louis Smith (disambiguation)
- Lovie Smith (born 1958), American professional football coach
- Lucille Elizabeth Bishop Smith (1892–1985), American entrepreneur, chef, and inventor
- Lucky Blue Smith (born 1998), American model and musician
- Lucy Smith (disambiguation)
- Luella Dowd Smith (1847–1941), American poet, author
- Luke Smith (disambiguation)
- Lura Eugenie Brown Smith (1864–?), American journalist, newspaper editor, author
- Maason Smith (born 2002), American football defensive tackle
- Mabel Smith (1924–1972), birth name of American R&B singer Big Maybelle
- Macdonald Smith (1892–1949), Scottish–American professional golfer
- Madeleine Smith (1835–1928), Scottish socialite and murder suspect
- Madeline Smith (born 1949), English actress
- Maisie Smith (born 2001), English actress and singer
- Malcolm Smith (disambiguation)
- Marc Smith (disambiguation)
- Marcus Smith (disambiguation)
- Maggie or Margaret Smith (disambiguation)
- Margo Smith (born 1942), American country music singer
- Marguerite L. Smith (1894–1985), New York assemblywoman
- Maria Smith (disambiguation)
- Marilynn Smith (1929–2019), American golfer
- Mark Smith (disambiguation)
- Marshall Smith (disambiguation)
- Martha Smith (disambiguation)
- Martin Smith (disambiguation)
- Martyn Smith (disambiguation)
- Marva Smith (fl. 1970s–2010s), Manitoba judge
- Mary Smith (disambiguation)
- Matt or Matthew Smith (disambiguation)
- Maurice Smith (disambiguation)
- May Smith
- Mayo Smith (1915–1977), American baseball player and manager
- Mazi Smith (born 2001), American football player
- Melanie Smith (disambiguation)
- Mel or Melvin Smith (disambiguation)
- Mervyn Ashmore Smith (1904–1994), Australian artist
- M. Hoke Smith (1855–1931), United States Secretary of the Interior
- Mike or Michael Smith (disambiguation)
- Michelle Smith (disambiguation)
- Mili Smith (born 1998), Scottish curler
- Miriam Smith (filmmaker), 21st century New Zealand filmmaker
- Miriam Smith (swimmer) (born 1958), American swimmer
- Morgan Smith (disambiguation)
- Moses "Whispering" Smith (1932–1984), American blues harmonicist and singer
- Murray Smith (disambiguation)
- Nana Smith (born 1971), American tennis player
- Nate Smith (disambiguation)
- Nathan Smith (disambiguation)
- Neil Smith (disambiguation)
- Nellie von Gerichten Smith (1871–1952), American composer
- Neville Smith (disambiguation)
- Nicholas Smith (disambiguation)
- Nick Smith (disambiguation)
- Nigel Smith (disambiguation)
- Niki Smith, American author and cartoonist
- Noah Olivier Smith (born 2000), birth name of American rapper, singer, songwriter, and record producer Yeat
- Noel Smith (disambiguation)
- Noland Smith (born 1943), American football player
- Nora Archibald Smith (1859–1934), American children's book author
- Norman Smith (disambiguation)
- Odean Smith {born 1996}, West Indies cricket player
- Olive Smith (disambiguation)
- Oliver Smith (disambiguation)
- Omar Smith (born 1977), American football player
- Orland Smith (1825–1903), American Civil War general
- Orlando Smith (born 1944), Virgin Islands politician
- Oscar Smith (disambiguation)
- Otis Smith (disambiguation)
- Owen Smith (disambiguation)
- Ozzie Smith (born 1954), American baseball player
- Paddy Smith (disambiguation)
- Pamela Smith (disambiguation)
- Paris Smith (fl. 2010s), American actress
- Pat Smith (disambiguation)
- Patti or Patricia Smith (disambiguation)
- Patrick Smith (disambiguation)
- Paul Smith (disambiguation)
- Paula Smith (born 1957), American tennis player
- Pavin Smith (born 1996), American baseball player
- Penny Smith (born 1958), English television presenter and newsreader
- Percey F. Smith (1867–1956), American mathematician
- Percy Smith (disambiguation)
- Perry Smith (disambiguation)
- Persifor Frazer Smith (1798–1858), American military officer
- Persifor Frazer Smith (politician) (1808–1882), American politician and lawyer from Pennsylvania
- Pete Smith (disambiguation)
- Peter Smith (disambiguation)
- Peyton Alex Smith (born 1994), American actor and rapper
- Phil or Philip Smith (disambiguation)
- Phyllida Crowley Smith (born 1968), English ballerina, theatre actress and choreographer
- Phyllis Smith (born 1951), American actress and casting associate
- Powel J. Smith (1874–1942), American businessman and politician
- Preston Smith (disambiguation)
- Q. Smith, American stage actress
- Rachel Smith (born 1985), Miss USA 2007
- Randal or Randall Smith (disambiguation)
- Randy Smith (disambiguation)
- Ralph Smith (disambiguation)
- Rashad Smith (disambiguation)
- Ray Smith (disambiguation)
- Raymond Smith (disambiguation)
- R. B. Smith (disambiguation)
- Rebecca Smith (disambiguation)
- Red Smith (disambiguation)
- Regan Smith (disambiguation)
- Reg, Reggie or Reginald Smith (disambiguation)
- Reilly Smith (born 1991), Canadian ice hockey player
- Renée Felice Smith (born 1985), American actress
- Rhona Smith (fl. 2010s–2020s), British legal academic and UN special rapporteur
- Richard Smith (disambiguation)
- Rick Smith (disambiguation)
- Ricky Smith (disambiguation)
- Rob or Robert Smith (disambiguation)
- Robin Smith (disambiguation)
- Roderick, Rodney or Rod Smith (disambiguation)
- Roger Smith (disambiguation)
- Ron Smith (disambiguation)
- Ronnie Smith (disambiguation)
- Roquan Smith (born 1997), American football player
- Rosetta Smith (1770–1775—ca. 1825), Afro-Trinidadian slave trader and entrepreneur
- Ross Smith (disambiguation)
- Roy Smith (disambiguation)
- Ruby Smith (1903–1977), American classic female blues singer
- Rupert Smith (disambiguation)
- Russell Smith (disambiguation)
- Rusty Smith (disambiguation)
- Ruth Smith (disambiguation)
- Ryan Smith (disambiguation)
- Saivion Smith (born 1997), American football player
- Sally Smith (disambiguation)
- Samuel or Sam Smith (disambiguation)
- Samantha Smith (disambiguation)
- Sammi Smith (1943–2005), American country music singer
- Sammie Smith (born 1967), American football player
- Sandra Smith (disambiguation)
- Sanford W. Smith (1869–1929), New York politician
- Sarah Smith (disambiguation)
- Saxton Smith (1802–1890), New York politician
- Scott Smith (disambiguation)
- Sean Smith (disambiguation)
- Sekou Smith (1972–2021), American sportswriter
- Shaffer Chimere Smith Jr. (born 1979), birth name of Ne-Yo, American R&B singer, songwriter, actor, dancer, and record producer
- Shane Smith (disambiguation)
- Shannon Smith (disambiguation)
- Sharon Smith (disambiguation)
- Shaun Smith (disambiguation)
- Shelley Smith (disambiguation)
- Shepard Smith (born 1964), American news anchor
- Sheridan Smith (born 1981), English actress
- Shi Smith (born 1998), American football player
- Shirley Smith (disambiguation)
- Sid Smith (disambiguation)
- Sidney Smith (disambiguation)
- Simon Smith (disambiguation)
- Sinclair Smith (disambiguation)
- Skyrocket Smith (1868–1916), American baseball player
- Soapy Smith (1860–1898), alias of Jefferson Randolph Smith, American confidence man
- Sonny Smith (born 1936), American college basketball coach
- Sonny Smith (musician) (born 1972), American musician and playwright
- Sonya Smith (born 1972), Hispanic and Latin-American telenovela actress
- Sophia Smith (disambiguation)
- Speedy Smith (born 1993), American basketball player in the Israeli Basketball Premier League
- Spencer Smith (disambiguation)
- S. Talbot Smith (1861–1948), South Australian lawyer and journalist
- Stan Smith (disambiguation)
- St. Clair Smith (1889–1988), Justice of the South Dakota Supreme Court
- Stefan Smith (born 1989), Antiguan footballe
- Sterling Richard Smith (fl. 1970s–2010s), birth name of Jandek, American folk singer
- Stephen, Steve or Steven Smith (disambiguation)
- Stewart Smith (disambiguation)
- Stow Smith (1864–1963), Australian stockbroker philanthropist
- Stuart Smith (disambiguation)
- Stuff Smith (1909–1967), American jazz violinist
- Sue Smith (disambiguation)
- Susan Smith (disambiguation)
- Sutton Smith (born 1996), American football player
- Sydney Smith (disambiguation)
- Sylvester Smith (disambiguation)
- T. Alford-Smith (1864–1936), British geographer
- Tara Smith (disambiguation)
- Taryn Delanie Smith (born 1997/1998), African-American beauty pageant competitor
- Ted Smith (disambiguation)
- Terell Smith (born 1999), American football player
- Terence Smith (disambiguation)
- Terry Smith (disambiguation)
- Thomas Smith (disambiguation)
- Tim Smith (disambiguation)
- T. J. Smith (born 1997), American football player
- Tiffany Smith (born 1982), American actor
- Tiger Smith (1886–1979), English cricketer
- Timothy Jude Smith (born 1982), birth name of Timmy Trumpet, Australian musician, DJ, songwriter, and record producer
- Tina Smith (born 1958), American politician
- Toby Smith (disambiguation)
- Todd Smith (disambiguation)
- Tom Smith (disambiguation)
- Tommie Smith (born 1944), American athlete and football player
- Tommy Smith (disambiguation)
- Tony Smith (disambiguation)
- Torrey Smith (born 1989), American football player
- Tracy Smith (disambiguation)
- Travis Smith (disambiguation)
- Tremon Smith (born 1996), American football player
- Tre'Quan Smith (born 1996), American football player
- Trevis Smith (born 1976), Canadian football linebacker
- Trevor Smith (disambiguation)
- Trey Smith (disambiguation)
- Troy Smith (disambiguation)
- Tubby Smith (born 1951), American college basketball coach
- Truett Smith (1924–2000), American football player
- Ty Smith (disambiguation)
- Tyler Smith (disambiguation)
- Tyran Smith (born 1974), New Zealand rugby league footballer
- Tyreke Smith (born 2000), American football player
- Tyron Smith (born 1990), American football player
- Tyrone Smith (disambiguation)
- Tyson Smith (disambiguation)
- Vernon Smith (disambiguation)
- Verdell Smith (born 1963), American professional boxer
- Verdelle Smith (fl. 1960s), American pop singer
- Victor Smith (disambiguation)
- Vince, Vinnie or Vincent Smith (disambiguation)
- Viola Smith (1912–2020), American musician and drummer
- Violet Smith (disambiguation)
- Virgil Smith (disambiguation)
- Virginia Smith (disambiguation)
- Vivian Smith (disambiguation)
- Vyncint Smith (born 1996), American football player
- Wallace Smith (disambiguation)
- Wally Smith (disambiguation)
- Walter Smith (disambiguation)
- Warren Smith (disambiguation)
- Watson Smith (1897–1993), American archaeologist
- Wayne Smith (disambiguation)
- Wendy Smith (disambiguation)
- Wilbur Smith (disambiguation)
- Wilfred or Wilf Smith (disambiguation)
- Willard Smith (disambiguation)
- Will, Willie, Willy or William Smith (disambiguation)
- Wilma Smith (disambiguation)
- Willow Smith (born 2000), American entertainer, daughter of actor Will Smith
- Wilson Smith (1897–1965), British virologist
- Winford Henry Smith (1877–1961), American physician
- Winifred Smith (1858–1925), English botanist and educationist
- Winston Smith
- Worthington Curtis Smith (1823–1894), American politician
- Worthington George Smith (1835–1917), English mycologist and archaeologist
- Wycliffe Smith (born 1948), Prime Minister of Sint Maarten
- Yeardley Smith (born 1964), French-born American actress, voice actress, comedian and writer
- Zac, Zach, Zack or Zachary Smith (disambiguation)
- Za'Darius Smith (born 1992), American football player
- Zadie Smith (born 1975), English writer
- Zhaire Smith (born 1999), American basketball player
- Zoe Smith (disambiguation)
Individuals with unknown first names
- Smith (baseball), baseball player who played one game in 1884
- Smith (Surrey cricketer, 1822), English first-class cricketer
- Smith (Cambridge University cricketer, 1820s), English cricketer with Cambridge University
- Smith (Cambridge University cricketer, 1830s), English cricketer with Cambridge University
By title
- Admiral Smith (disambiguation)
- Archbishop Smith (disambiguation)
- Attorney General Smith (disambiguation)
- Bishop Smith (disambiguation)
- Captain Smith (disambiguation)
- Doctor Smith (disambiguation)
- General Smith (disambiguation)
- Governor Smith (disambiguation)
- Judge Smith (disambiguation)
- Justice Smith (disambiguation)
- Mayor Smith (disambiguation)
- President Smith (disambiguation)
- Representative Smith (disambiguation)
- Reverend Smith (disambiguation)
- Senator Smith (disambiguation)
- Sgt. Smith (disambiguation)
Fictional characters
- Adam Smith, title character of the "Adam" episode of the British TV show Torchwood
- Agent Smith in The Matrix
- Agent Smith in the Flatline mission of Hitman: Blood Money
- Burl "Gopher" Smith, Yeoman Purser of the Pacific Princess, in The Love Boat
- Beth Smith (née Sanchez), in the Adult Swim cartoon Rick and Morty
- Morty Smith, titular character of Rick and Morty, and Beth's son
- Summer Smith, a Rick and Morty character, and Beth's daughter
- Jerry Smith, a Rick and Morty character, and Beth's husband
- Space Beth Smith, a Rick and Morty character, and a possible clone of Beth
- Thoolie Smith, a Rick and Morty character, and one of Morty's sons
- Betty Smith, a character in the TV series Littlest Pet Shop
- Dudley Smith, LAPD officer in the L.A. Quartet novels by James Ellroy, and the film L.A. Confidential
- Eddie Smith, in Pack Up Your Troubles
- Eva Smith, in An Inspector Calls by J. B. Priestley
- Fritz Smith, in Five Nights at Freddy's 2
- Gary Smith, from the 2006 video game Bully
- Gus Smith, in The Birth of a Nation
- Homer Smith, in the novel, The Lilies of the Field
- Jefferson Smith in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
- Jimmy Smith Jnr. in 8 Mile (film)
- Johann Schmidt, the Red Skull in the Marvel Comics Universe
- Captain John Smith in Disney's 1995 animated film Pocahontas
- Jonathan Smith, the main character in the series Highway to Heaven
- Colonel John "Hannibal" Smith, the main character in the series The A-Team
- Grace Smith, a minor character in the American animated series Rick and Morty, a friend of Summer Smith unrelated to the Smith family
- Leonard Smith, a character in the American sitcom It's Garry Shandling's Show
- Margaret Smith, in Regular Show
- Mr. Smith in Call of the Wild
- Mr. Smith in (Hey Arnold!)
- The otherwise unnamed Mr. Smith and Mrs. Smith in Mr. & Mrs. Smith (1996 TV series)
- David Smith and Ann Smith Mr. & Mrs. Smith (1941 film)
- John Smith and Jane Smith in Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005 film)
- Psmith in several humorous stories by P. G. Wodehouse
- Roger Smith in The Big O (Japanese Anime)
- Ruth "Rudi" Smith, from the British sitcom Gavin & Stacey, portrayed by Sheridan Smith
- Sarah Jane Smith, fictional character played by Elisabeth Sladen in BBC Television science fiction series Doctor Who
- Smith & Smith, sketch comedy series on Canadian television
- Shannon Smith, a character played by Stephanie Kaur in the British web series Corner Shop Show.
- Snuffy Smith, character in newspaper comic strip
- Stan Smith (American Dad!) and family, from American Dad!
- Tabitha Smith, a Marvel Comics character
- Valentine Michael Smith, the main character in Stranger in a Strange Land
- Walter Smith, a character in the Nintendo video game Ninja Gaiden
- Winston Smith from Nineteen Eighty-Four
- Wesson Smith is the alias of Ramon Lecumberi in the series Tayong Dalawa
- Several characters in the Doctor Who universe:
- Luke Smith (The Sarah Jane Adventures)
- Mickey Smith
- Sarah Jane Smith
- Sky Smith
- The Doctor himself also often goes by the alias of "John Smith"
- Doctor Zachary Smith in Lost in Space
- All player-controlled characters in the video game Killer7
See also
- List of taxonomic authorities named Smith
- Smiths of Glastonbury
- Smith Family (disambiguation)
- Smith Family (disambiguation)
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