The endangered species of China may include any wildlife species designated for protection by the national government of China or listed as endangered by international organizations such as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Endangered & protected species of China
as designated by the government of China, IUCN and CITES
The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) is a Class I protected species of the national government of China, a vulnerable species on the IUCN Red List[1] and a species threatened by extinction on Appendix I of the CITES
The red panda (Ailurus fulgens) is a Class II species in China, an endangered species on the IUCN Red List and listed in Appendix I of the CITES.

As one of the world's most biodiverse countries and its most populous, China is home to a significant number of wildlife species vulnerable to or in danger of local extinction due to the impact of human activity.[2][3] Under the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Wildlife, the national and local governments are required to designate rare or threatened species for special protection under the law. The type of legal protection that a particular species in China enjoys may depend on the locality of administration. For example, the Beijing Municipal Government designates the wild boar and masked palm civet, which are found in the wilderness around the municipality, as local Class I protected species even though none are among the Class I or II protected species designated by the national government.[4]

China is a signatory country to the CITES and the national government's protected species list generally follows the designation of endangered species by CITES, but also includes certain species that are rare in the country but quite common in other parts of the world so as not to be considered globally threatened (such as moose and beaver) or are vulnerable to economic exploitation thus require legal protection (such as sable and otter). The Chinese endangered species classifications are updated relatively infrequently, and a number of species deemed to be endangered by international bodies have not yet been so recognized in China. Many of the listed species are endemic to the country, such as the groove-toothed flying squirrel and the Ili pika.


The species listed in this article are designated by one or more of the following authorities as endangered or threatened:

  1. The List of Wildlife under Special State Protection as designated by the Chinese State Council pursuant to Article 9 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Wildlife[5][6]
  2. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), in Appendix I of its catalogue includes "species threatened with extinction".[7]
  3. The Red List of Threatened Species compiled by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.[8]

Endangered and protected animal species


Protected and endangered mammal species of China
  indicates species endemic to China
Order Family Scientific name Common name Chinese name Protection
in China
IUCN Red List CITES App'x
PrimatesLorisidaeNycticebus bengalensisBengal slow loris蜂猴II
PrimatesLorisidaeNycticebus pygmaeusPygmy slow loris倭蜂猴II
PrimatesCercopithecidaeMacaca arctoidesStump-tailed macaque短尾猴II
PrimatesCercopithecidaeMacaca assamensisAssam macaque熊猴II
PrimatesCercopithecidaeMacaca cyclopisFormosan rock macaque台湾猴I
Primates Cercopithecidae Macaca leonina Northern pig-tailed macaque 北豚尾猴 I
Primates Cercopithecidae Macaca leucogenys White-cheeked macaque 白颊猕猴 II
PrimatesCercopithecidaeMacaca mulattaRhesus macaque猕猴II
PrimatesCercopithecidaeMacaca munzalaArunachal macaque藏南猕猴II
PrimatesCercopithecidaeMacaca thibetanaTibetan macaque藏酋猴II
Primates Cercopithecidae Semnopithecus schistaceus Nepal gray langur 喜山长尾叶猴 I I
Primates Cercopithecidae Trachypithecus crepusculus Indochinese grey langur 印支灰叶猴 I

PrimatesCercopithecidaeTrachypithecus francoisiFrançois' langur黑叶猴I
PrimatesCercopithecidaeTrachypithecus phayreiPhayre's leaf monkey菲氏叶猴I
Primates Cercopithecidae Trachypithecus pileatus Capped langur 戴帽叶猴 I I
PrimatesCercopithecidaeTrachypithecus leucocephalusWhite-headed langur白头叶猴I
PrimatesCercopithecidaeTrachypithecus shortridgeiShortridge's langur肖氏乌叶猴II
Primates Cercopithecidae Rhinopithecus bieti Black snub-nosed monkey 滇金丝猴 I I
Primates Cercopithecidae Rhinopithecus brelichi Gray snub-nosed monkey 黔金丝猴 I I
Primates Cercopithecidae Rhinopithecus roxellana Golden snub-nosed monkey 川金丝猴 I I
Primates Cercopithecidae Rhinopithecus strykeri Myanmar snub-nosed monkey 缅甸金丝猴 I I
Primates Hylobatidae Hoolock hoolock Western hoolock gibbon 西白眉长臂猿 I I
Primates Hylobatidae Hoolock leuconedys Eastern hoolock gibbon 东白眉长臂猿 I I
Primates Hylobatidae Hoolock tianxing Skywalker hoolock gibbon 高黎贡白眉长臂猿 I I
Primates Hylobatidae Hylobates lar Lar gibbon 白掌长臂猿 I I
PrimatesHylobatidaeNomascus concolorBlack crested gibbon西黑冠长臂猿II
Primates Hylobatidae Nomascus nasutus Eastern black crested gibbon 东黑冠长臂猿 I I
PrimatesHylobatidaeNomascus hainanusHainan black crested gibbon海南长臂猿II
PrimatesHylobatidaeNomascus leucogenysNorthern white-cheeked gibbon北白颊长臂猿II
Pholidota Manidae Manis crassicaudata Indian pangolin 印度穿山甲 I I
Pholidota Manidae Manis javanica Sunda pangolin 马来穿山甲 I I
Pholidota Manidae Manis pentadactyla Chinese pangolin 穿山甲 I I
Carnivora Canidae Canis lupus Gray wolf II II
Carnivora Canidae Canis aureus Golden jackel 亚洲胡狼 II
Carnivora Canidae Cuon alpinus Dhole I II
Carnivora Canidae Nyctereutes procyonoides Common raccoon dog II
Carnivora Canidae Vulpes corsac Corsac fox 沙狐 II
Carnivora Canidae Vulpes ferrilata Tibetan fox 藏狐 II
Carnivora Canidae Vulpes vulpes Red fox 赤狐 II
Carnivora Ursidae Melursus ursinus Sloth bear 懒熊 II I
CarnivoraUrsidaeHelarctos malayanusSun bear马来熊II
CarnivoraUrsidaeUrsus arctosBrown bear棕熊III
CarnivoraUrsidaeUrsus thibetanusAsian black bear黑熊II
Carnivora Ursidae Ailuropoda melanoleuca Giant panda 大熊猫 I I
Carnivora Ailuridae Ailurus fulgens Red panda 小熊猫 II I
Carnivora Mustelidae Martes flavigula Yellow-throated marten 黄喉貂 II
Carnivora Mustelidae Martes foina Beech marten 石貂 II
Carnivora Mustelidae Martes zibellina Sable 紫貂 I
Carnivora Mustelidae Gulo gulo Wolverine 貂熊 I
Carnivora Mustelidae Aonyx cinerea Oriental small-clawed otter 小爪水獺 II I
Carnivora Mustelidae Lutra lutra European otter 水獭 II I
Carnivora Mustelidae Lutrogale perspicillata Smooth-coated otter 江獭 II I
Carnivora Viverridae Viverra megaspila Large-spotted civet 大班灵猫 I
Carnivora Viverridae Viverra zibetha Large Indian civet 大灵猫 I
Carnivora Viverridae Viverricula indica Small Indian civet 小灵猫 I
Carnivora Viverridae Paradoxurus hermaphroditus Asian palm civet 椰子猫 II
Carnivora Viverridae Arctictis binturong Binturong 熊狸 I
Carnivora Viverridae Arctogalidia trivirgata Small-toothed palm civet 小齿狸 I
Carnivora Viverridae Chrotogale owstoni Owston's palm civet 缟灵猫 I
Carnivora Prionodontidae Prionodon pardicolor Spotted linsang 斑林狸 II I
CarnivoraFelidaeFelis bietiChinese mountain cat荒漠貓III
CarnivoraFelidaeFelis chausJungle cat丛林猫III
CarnivoraFelidaeFelis silvestrisEuropean wildcat草原斑猫IIII
Carnivora Felidae Felis viverrinus Fishing cat 渔猫 II II
Carnivora Felidae Otocolobus manul Pallas's cat 兔狲 II II
Carnivora Felidae Lynx lynx Eurasian lynx 猞猁 II II
Carnivora Felidae Pardofelis marmorata Marbled cat 云猫 II I
CarnivoraFelidaeFelis temminckiAsian golden cat金猫III
CarnivoraFelidaePrionailurus bengalensisLeopard cat豹猫IIII
CarnivoraFelidaeNeofelis nebulosaClouded leopard云豹II
CarnivoraFelidaePanthera pardusLeopardII
CarnivoraFelidaePanthera tigrisTigerII
CarnivoraFelidaePanthera unciaSnow leopard雪豹III
Carnivora Otariidae Callorhinus ursinus Northern fur seal 北海狗 II
CarnivoraOtariidaeEumetopias jubatusSteller sea lion北海狮II
CarnivoraPhocidaePhoca larghaSpotted seal西太平洋斑海豹I
CarnivoraPhocidaeErignathus barbatusBearded seal髯海豹II
Carnivora Phocidae Pusa hispida Ringed seal 环海豹 II
ProboscideaElephantidaeElephas maximusAsian elephant亚洲象II
PerissodactylaEquidaeEquus ferusPrzewalski's horse普氏野马II
PerissodactylaEquidaeEquus hemionusMongolian wild ass蒙古野驴II
PerissodactylaEquidaeEquus kiangKiang藏野驴III
Perissodactyla Rhinocerotidae Dicerorhinus sumatrensis Sumatran rhinoceros 苏门答腊犀牛 I
Perissodactyla Rhinocerotidae Rhinoceros sondaicus Javan rhinoceros 爪哇犀 I
ArtiodactylaCamelidaeCamelus ferusWild Bactrian camel野骆驼I
Artiodactyla Tragulidae Tragulus williamsoni Williamson's mouse-deer 威氏鼷鹿 I
Artiodactyla Moschidae Moschus anhuiensis Anhui musk deer 安徽麝 I II
Artiodactyla Moschidae Moschus berezovskii Dwarf musk deer 林麝 I II
Artiodactyla Moschidae Moschus chrysogaster Alpine musk deer 马麝 I II
Artiodactyla Moschidae Moschus fuscus Black musk deer 黑麝 I II
Artiodactyla Moschidae Moschus leucogaster White-bellied musk deer 喜马拉雅麝 I II
Artiodactyla Moschidae Moschus moschiferus Siberian musk deer 原麝 I II
Artiodactyla Cervidae Hydropotes inermis Water deer II
Artiodactyla Cervidae Muntiacus crinifrons Hairy-fronted muntjac 黑麂 I I
Artiodactyla Cervidae Muntiacus gongshanensis Gongshan muntjac 贡山麂 II
Artiodactyla Cervidae Muntiacus nigripes Black-footed muntjac 海南麂 II [Note 1]
Artiodactyla Cervidae Axis porcinus Indian hog deer 豚鹿 I I[Note 2]
Artiodactyla Cervidae Cervus equinus Sambar 水鹿 II
Artiodactyla Cervidae Cervus nippon Shika 梅花鹿 I
[Note 3]
Artiodactyla Cervidae Cervus canadensis Elk 马鹿 II
Artiodactyla Cervidae Cervus wallichii Tibetan red deer 西藏马鹿 I [Note 1]
Artiodactyla Cervidae Cervus wallichii macneilli Sichuan deer 白臀鹿 I [Note 1]
Artiodactyla Cervidae Cervus yarkandensis Yarkand deer 塔里木马鹿 I [Note 1]
Artiodactyla Cervidae Panolia siamensis Eld's deer 坡鹿 I I
Artiodactyla Cervidae Przewalskium albirostris Thorold's deer 白唇鹿 I
Artiodactyla Cervidae Elaphurus davidianus Père David's deer 麋鹿 I
Artiodactyla Cervidae Elaphodus cephalophus Tufted deer 毛冠鹿 II
Artiodactyla Cervidae Alces alces Moose 驼鹿 I
ArtiodactylaBovidaeBos gaurusGaur野牛II
Artiodactyla Bovidae Bos javanicus Banteng 爪哇野牛 I
ArtiodactylaBovidaeBos mutusYak野牦牛II
Artiodactyla Bovidae Procapra gutturosa Mongolian gazelle 蒙原羚 I
Artiodactyla Bovidae Procapra picticaudata Goa 藏原羚 II
Artiodactyla Bovidae Procapra przewalskii Przewalski's gazelle 普氏原羚 I
ArtiodactylaBovidaeGazella subgutturosaGoitered gazelle鹅喉羚II
ArtiodactylaBovidaePantholops hodgsoniiTibetan antelope藏羚II
ArtiodactylaBovidaeSaiga tataricaSaiga高鼻羚羊III
ArtiodactylaBovidaeBudorcas bedfordiGolden takin秦岭羚牛I[Note 1]II
ArtiodactylaBovidaeBudorcas tibetanusSichuan takin四川羚牛I[Note 1]II
ArtiodactylaBovidaeBudorcas whiteiBhutan takin不丹羚牛I[Note 1]II
ArtiodactylaBovidaeBudorcas taxicolorMishmi takin贡山羚牛I[Note 1]II
Artiodactyla Bovidae Naemorhedus baileyi Red goral 赤斑羚 I I
Artiodactyla Bovidae Naemorhedus caudatus Long-tailed goral 长尾斑羚 II I
Artiodactyla Bovidae Naemorhedus evansi Burmese goral 缅甸斑羚 II [Note 1] I
Artiodactyla Bovidae Naemorhedus goral Himalayan goral 喜马拉雅斑羚 I I
Artiodactyla Bovidae Naemorhedus griseus Chinese goral 中华斑羚 II I
ArtiodactylaBovidaeHemitragus jemlahicusHimalayan tahr塔尔羊I
ArtiodactylaBovidaeCapra sibiricaSiberian ibex北山羊II
Artiodactyla Bovidae Pseudois nayaur Bharal 岩羊 II
ArtiodactylaBovidaeOvis ammonAltai argali阿尔泰盘羊II[Note 1]II
Artiodactyla Bovidae Ovis collium Karaganda argali 哈萨克盘羊 II [Note 1] II
Artiodactyla Bovidae Ovis darwini Gobi argali 戈壁盘羊 II [Note 1] II
Artiodactyla Bovidae Ovis hodgsoni Tibetan argali 西藏盘羊 I [Note 1] I
Artiodactyla Bovidae Ovis karelini Tian Shan argali 天山盘羊 II [Note 1] II
Artiodactyla Bovidae Ovis polii Marco Polo sheep 帕米尔盘羊 II [Note 1] II
ArtiodactylaBovidaeCapricornis milneedwardsiiChinese serow中华鬣羚II[Note 1]I
Artiodactyla Bovidae Capricornis rubidus Red serow 红鬣羚 II I
ArtiodactylaBovidaeCapricornis swinhoeiTaiwan serow台湾鬣羚I
Artiodactyla Bovidae Capricornis thar Himalayan serow 喜马拉雅鬣羚 I [Note 1] I
RodentiaCastoridaeCastor fiberEurasian beaver河狸I
Rodentia Sciuridae Aeretes melanopterus Groove-toothed flying squirrel 沟牙鼯鼠
Rodentia Sciuridae Marmota sibirica Tarbagan marmot 蒙古旱獭
RodentiaSciuridaeRatufa bicolorBlack giant squirrel巨松鼠IIII
Eulipotyphla Erinaceidae Neohylomys hainanensis Hainan gymnure 海南新毛猬
LagomorphaOchotonidaeOchotona argentataHelan Shan pika贺兰山鼠兔II
LagomorphaOchotonidaeOchotona iliensisIli pika伊犁鼠兔II
Lagomorpha Leporidae Caprolagus hispidus Hispid hare 粗毛兔 II I
LagomorphaLeporidaeLepus hainanusHainan hare海南兔II
LagomorphaLeporidaeLepus timidusMountain hare雪兔II
LagomorphaLeporidaeLepus yarkandensisYarkand hare塔里木兔II
SireniaDugongidaeDugong dugonDugong儒艮II
CetaceaBalaenidaeEubalaena japonicaNorth Pacific right whale北太平洋
CetaceaEschrichtiidaeEschrichtius robustusGray whale灰鲸II
CetaceaBalaenopteridaeBalaenoptera musculusBlue whale蓝鲸II
CetaceaBalaenopteridaeBalaenoptera acutorostrataCommon minke whale小须鲸II
CetaceaBalaenopteridaeBalaenoptera borealisSei whale塞鯨II
CetaceaBalaenopteridaeBalaenoptera edeniEden's whale布氏鲸II
CetaceaBalaenopteridaeBalaenoptera omuraiOmura's whale大村鲸II
CetaceaBalaenopteridaeBalaenoptera physalusFin whale长须鲸II
CetaceaIniidaeLipotes vexilliferBaiji白鱀豚II
CetaceaDelphinidaeSousa chinensisIndo-Pacific humpback dolphin中华白海豚II
Cetacea Delphinidae Steno bredanensis Rough-toothed dolphin 糙齿海豚 II
Cetacea Delphinidae Stenella attenuata Pantropical spotted dolphin 热带点班原海豚 II
Cetacea Delphinidae Stenella coeruleoalba Striped dolphin 条纹原海豚 II
Cetacea Delphinidae Stenella longirostris Spinner dolphin 飞旋原海豚 II
Cetacea Delphinidae Delphinus capensis Long-beaked common dolphin 长喙真海豚 II
Cetacea Delphinidae Delphinus delphis Common dolphin 真海豚 II
Cetacea Delphinidae Tursiops aduncus Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin 印太瓶鼻海豚 II
Cetacea Delphinidae Tursiops truncatus Common bottlenose dolphin 瓶鼻海豚 II
Cetacea Delphinidae Lagenodelphis hosei Fraser's dolphin 弗氏海豚 II
Cetacea Delphinidae Grampus griseus Risso's dolphin 里氏海豚 II
Cetacea Delphinidae Lagenorhynchus obliquidens Pacific white-sided dolphin 太平洋斑纹海豚 II
Cetacea Delphinidae Peponocephala electra Melon-headed whale 瓜头鲸 II
Cetacea Delphinidae Orcinus orca Orca 虎鲸 II
Cetacea Delphinidae Pseudorca crassidens False killer whale 伪虎鲸 II
Cetacea Delphinidae Feresa attenuata Pygmy killer whale 小虎鲸 II
Cetacea Delphinidae Globicephala macrorhynchus Short-finned pilot whale 短肢领航鲸 II
CetaceaPhocoenidaeNeophocaena asiaorientalisYangtze finless porpoise长江江豚II
CetaceaPhocoenidaeNeophocaena sunameriEast Asian finless porpoise东亚江豚II
CetaceaPhocoenidaeNeophocaena phocaenoidesIndo-Pacific finless porpoise印太江豚III
CetaceaPhyseteridaePhyseter macrocephalusSperm whale抹香鲸II
Cetacea Physeteridae Kogia breviceps Pygmy sperm whale 小抹香鲸 II
Cetacea Physeteridae Kogia sima Dwarf sperm whale 侏抹香鲸 II
Cetacea Ziphidae Ziphius cavirostris Cuvier's beaked whale 鹅喙鲸 II
Cetacea Ziphidae Mesoplodon densirostris Blainville's beaked whale 柏氏中喙鲸 II
Cetacea Ziphidae Mesoplodon ginkgodens Ginkgo-toothed beaked whale 银杏齿中喙鲸 II
Cetacea Ziphidae Mesoplodon peruvianus Pygmy beaked whale 小中喙鲸 II
Cetacea Ziphidae Berardius bairdii Baird's beaked whale 贝氏喙鲸 II I
Cetacea Ziphidae Indopacetus pacificus Tropical bottlenose whale 朗氏喙鲸 II


Protected and endangered bird species of China
  indicates species endemic to China
Order Family Scientific name Common name Chinese name Protection
in China
IUCN Red List CITES App'x
PodicipediformesPodicipedidaePodiceps auritusHorned grebe角鸊鷉III
PodicipediformesPodicipedidaePodiceps grisegenaRed-necked grebe赤颈鸊鷉II
ProcellariiformesDiomedeidaePhoebastria albatrusShort-tailed albatross短尾信天翁II
SuliformesSulidaeSulaBooby (all species)鲣鸟(所有种)II
SuliformesPhalacrocoracidaePhalacrocorax pelagicusPelagic cormorant海鸬鷀II
SuliformesPhalacrocoracidaeMicrocarbo nigerLittle cormorant黑颈鸬鷀II
SuliformesFregatidaeFregata andrewsiChristmas frigatebird白腹军舰鸟I
CiconiiformesArdeidaeEgretta eulophotesChinese egret黄嘴白鹭II
CiconiiformesArdeidaeEgretta sacraPacific reef heron岩鹭II
CiconiiformesArdeidaeGorsachius magnificusWhite-eared night heron海南鳽II
CiconiiformesArdeidaeGorsachius goisagiJapanese night heron栗头鳽I
CiconiiformesArdeidaeIxobrychus minutusLittle bittern小苇鳽II
CiconiiformesCiconiidaeMycteria leucocephalaPainted stork彩鹳III
CiconiiformesCiconiidaeCiconia ciconiaWhite stork白鹳I
CiconiiformesCiconiidaeCiconia nigraBlack stork黑鹳I
CiconiiformesCiconiidaeCiconia boycianaOriental stork东方白鹳I
PelecaniformesPelecanidaePelecanus crispusDalmatian pelican卷羽鹈鹕III
PelecaniformesPelecanidaePelecanus philippensisSpot-billed pelican斑嘴鹈鹕III
PelecaniformesThreskiornithidaeThreskiornis aethiopicusAfrican sacred ibis埃及圣鹮II
PelecaniformesThreskiornithidaePseudibis papillosaRed-naped ibis黑鹮II
PelecaniformesThreskiornithidaeNipponia nipponCrested ibis朱鹮II
PelecaniformesThreskiornithidaePlegadis falcinellusGlossy ibis彩鹮II
PelecaniformesThreskiornithidaePlatalea leucorodiaEurasian spoonbill白琵鹭II
PelecaniformesThreskiornithidaePlatalea minorBlack-faced spoonbill黑脸琵鹭II
PelecaniformesThreskiornithidaePseudibis davisoniWhite-shouldered ibis黑鹮
AnseriformesAnatidaeBranta ruficollisRed-breasted goose红胸黑雁II
AnseriformesAnatidaeAnser albifronsGreater white-fronted goose白额雁II
AnseriformesAnatidaeCygnus (genus)Swan (all species)天鹅II
AnseriformesAnatidaeAix galericulataMandarin duck鸳鸯II
AnseriformesAnatidaeMergus squamatusScaly-sided merganser中华秋沙鸭I
AnseriformesAnatidaeAythya baeriBaer's pochard青头潜鸭
AnseriformesAnatidaeOxyura leucocephalaWhite-headed duck白头硬尾鸭
FalconiformesAccipitridaeAquila chrysaetosGolden eagle金雕I
FalconiformesAccipitridaeAquila heliacaEastern imperial eagle白肩雕II
FalconiformesAccipitridaeHaliaeetus leucoryphusPallas's fish eagle玉带海雕I
FalconiformesAccipitridaeHaliaeetus albicillaWhite-tailed eagle白尾海雕II
FalconiformesAccipitridaeHaliaeetus pelagicusSteller's sea eagle虎头海雕I
FalconiformesAccipitridaeGyps bengalensisWhite-rumped vulture白背兀鹫I
FalconiformesAccipitridaeGypaetus barbatusBearded vulture胡兀鹫I
FalconiformesAccipitridaeNeophron percnopterusEgyptian vulture白兀鷲
FalconiformesAccipitridaeSarcogyps calvusRed-headed vulture黑兀鹫II
FalconiformesFalconidaeFalco pelegrinoidesBarbary falcon拟游隼III
FalconiformesFalconidaeFalco peregrinusPeregrine falcon游隼III
FalconiformesFalconidaeFalco rusticolusGyrfalcon矛隼III
FalconiformesFalconidaeFalco altaicusSaker falcon猎隼II
GalliformesTetraonidaeTetrao parvirostrisBlack-billed capercaillie黑嘴松鸡I
GalliformesTetraonidaeLyrurus tetrixBlack grouse黑琴鸡II
GalliformesTetraonidaeLagopus lagopusWillow ptarmigan柳雷鸟II
GalliformesTetraonidaeLagopus mutusRock ptarmigan岩雷鸟II
GalliformesTetraonidaeFalcipennis falcipennisSiberian grouse镰翅鸡II
GalliformesTetraonidaeTetrastes bonasiaHazel grouse花尾榛鸡II
GalliformesTetraonidaeTetrastes sewerzowiChinese grouse斑尾榛鸡I
GalliformesPhasianidaeTetraogallus tibetanusTibetan snowcock藏雪鸡III
GalliformesPhasianidaeTetraophasis obscurusVerreaux's monal-partridge雉鹑I
GalliformesPhasianidaeArborophila rufipectusSichuan partridge四川山鹧鸪I
GalliformesPhasianidaeArborophila ardensHainan partridge海南山鹧鸪I
GalliformesPhasianidaeIthaginis cruentusBlood pheasant血雉II
GalliformesPhasianidaeTragopan melanocephalusWestern tragopan黑头角雉II
GalliformesPhasianidaeTragopan satyraSatyr tragopan红胸角雉I
GalliformesPhasianidaeTragopan blythiiBlyth's tragopan灰腹角雉II
GalliformesPhasianidaeTragopan temminckiiTemminck's tragopan红腹角雉II
GalliformesPhasianidaeTragopan cabotiCabot's tragopan黄腹角雉II
GalliformesPhasianidaeLophophorus impejanusHimalayan monal棕尾虹雉II
GalliformesPhasianidaeLophophorus lhuysiiChinese monal绿尾虹雉II
GalliformesPhasianidaeLophophorus sclateriSclater's monal白尾梢虹雉II
GalliformesPhasianidaeCrossoptilon crossoptilonWhite eared pheasant藏马鸡III
GalliformesPhasianidaeCrossoptilon auritumBlue eared pheasant蓝马鸡II
GalliformesPhasianidaeCrossoptilon mantchuricumBrown eared pheasant褐马鸡II
GalliformesPhasianidaeLophura leucomelanosKalij pheasant黑鹇II
GalliformesPhasianidaeLophura nycthemeraSilver pheasant白鹇II
GalliformesPhasianidaeLophura swinhoiiSwinhoe's pheasant蓝鹇I
GalliformesPhasianidaeGallus gallusRed junglefowl原鸡II
GalliformesPhasianidaePucrasia macrolophaKoklass pheasant勺鸡II
GalliformesPhasianidaeSyrmaticus humiaeMrs. Hume's pheasant黑颈长尾雉II
GalliformesPhasianidaeSyrmaticus reevesiiReeves's pheasant白冠长尾雉II
GalliformesPhasianidaeSyrmaticus elliotiElliot's pheasant白颈长尾雉II
GalliformesPhasianidaeSyrmaticus mikadoMikado pheasant黑长尾雉I
GalliformesPhasianidaeChrysolophus pictusGolden pheasant红腹锦鸡II
GalliformesPhasianidaeChrysolophus amherstiaeLady Amherst's pheasant白腹锦鸡II
GalliformesPhasianidaePolyplectron bicalcaratumGrey peacock-pheasant灰孔雀雉I
GalliformesPhasianidaePavo muticusGreen peafowl绿孔雀I
GalliformesPhasianidaePolyplectron katsumataeHainan peacock-pheasant海南孔雀雉
GruiformesGruidaeGrus grusCommon crane灰鹤III
GruiformesGruidaeGrus nigricollisBlack-necked crane黑颈鹤II
GruiformesGruidaeGrus monachaHooded crane白头鹤I
GruiformesGruidaeGrus canadensisSandhill crane沙丘鹤III
GruiformesGruidaeGrus japonensisRed-crowned crane丹顶鹤II
GruiformesGruidaeGrus vipioWhite-naped crane白枕鹤III
GruiformesGruidaeGrus leucogeranusSiberian crane白鹤I
GruiformesGruidaeGrus antigoneSarus crane赤颈鹤I
GruiformesGruidaeAnthropoides virgoDemoiselle crane蓑羽鹤II
GruiformesRallidaeCrex crexCorn crake长脚秧鸡II
GruiformesRallidaePorzana parvaLittle crake姬田鸡II
GruiformesRallidaePorzana bicolorBlack-tailed crake棕背田鸡II
GruiformesRallidaeCoturnicops exquisitusSwinhoe's rail花田鸡II
GruiformesOtididaeOtis tardaGreat bustard大鸨I
GruiformesOtididaeTetrax tetraxLittle bustard小鸨I
GruiformesOtididaeChlamydotis macqueeniiMacQueen's bustard波斑鸨II
CharadriiformesJacanidaeMetopidius indicusBronze-winged jacana铜翅水雉II
CharadriiformesScolopacidaeNumenius borealisEskimo curlew爱斯基摩杓鹬II
CharadriiformesScolopacidaeTringa guttiferNordmann's greenshank小青脚鹬III
CharadriiformesScolopacidaeEurynorhynchus pygmeusSpoon-billed sandpiper勺嘴鹬
CharadriiformesGlareolidaeGlareola lacteaSmall pratincole灰燕鸻II
CharadriiformesLaridaeLarus relictusRelict gull遗鸥II
CharadriiformesLaridaeLarus minutusLittle gull小鸥II
CharadriiformesSternidaeChlidonias nigerBlack tern黑浮鸥II
CharadriiformesSternidaeThalasseus bernsteiniChinese crested tern黑嘴端凤头燕鸥II
CharadriiformesSternidaeSterna aurantiaRiver tern黄嘴河燕鸥II
PterocliformesPteroclidaePterocles orientalisBlack-bellied sandgrouse黑腹沙鸡II
ColumbiformesColumbidaeTreron (genus)Green pigeon (all species)绿鸠(所有种)II
ColumbiformesColumbidaePtilinopus leclancheriBlack-chinned fruit dove黑颏果鸠II
ColumbiformesColumbidaeDucula (genus)Imperial pigeon (all species)皇鸠(所有种)II
ColumbiformesColumbidaeColumba palumbusCommon wood pigeon斑尾林鸽II
ColumbiformesColumbidaeMacropygia (genus)Cuckoo-doves鹃鸠属(所有种)II
PsittaciformesPsittacidaePsittacidae (family)Parrots (all species)鹦鹉科(所有种)II
CuculiformesCuculidaeCentropus (genus)Coucal (all species)鸦鹃(所有种)II
StrigiformesStrigidaeBubo blakistoniBlakiston's fish owl毛腿渔鸮II
ApodiformesApodidaeHirundapus cochinchinensisSilver-backed needletail灰喉针尾雨燕II
ApodiformesHemiprocnidaeHemiprocne longipennisGrey-rumped treeswift凤头树燕II
TrogoniformesTrogonidaeHarpactes oreskiosOrange-breasted trogon橙胸咬鹃II
CoraciiformesAlcedinidaeAlcedo menintingBlue-eared kingfisher蓝耳翠鸟II
CoraciiformesHalcyonidaePelargopsis capensisStork-billed kingfisher鹳嘴翡翠II
CoraciiformesMeropidaeMerops leschenaultiChestnut-headed bee-eater黑胸蜂虎II
CoraciiformesMeropidaeMerops orientalisAsian green bee-eater绿喉蜂虎II
CoraciiformesBucerotidaeAceros nipalensisRufous-necked hornbill棕颈犀鸟III
CoraciiformesBucerotidaeBuceros bicornisGreat hornbill双角犀鸟III
CoraciiformesBucerotidaeAnorrhinus austeniAusten's brown hornbill白喉犀鸟II
PiciformesPicidaeDryocopus javensisWhite-bellied woodpecker白腹黑啄木鸟III
PasseriformesEurylaimidaeEurylaimidae (family)Broadbills (all species)阔嘴鸟(所有种)II
PasseriformesPittidaePittidae (family)Pittas (all species)八色鸫(所有种)II
PasseriformesEmberizidaeEmberiza jankowskiiJankowski's bunting栗斑腹鹀
PasseriformesTimaliidaePterorhinus courtoisiBlue-crowned laughingthrush靛冠噪鹛


Protected and endangered reptile species of China
  indicates species endemic to China
Order Family Scientific name Common name Chinese name Protection
in China
IUCN Red List CITES App'x
CrocodiliaAlligatoridaeAlligator sinensisChinese alligator扬子鳄II
SquamataVaranidaeVaranus bengalensisBengal monitor孟加拉巨蜥
SquamataVaranidaeVaranus salvatorWater monitor巨蜥I
SquamataShinisauridaeShinisaurus crocodilurusChinese crocodile lizard中国鳄蜥I
SquamataGekkonidaeGekko geckoTokay gecko大壁虎II
SquamataPythonidaePython molurusIndian pythonII
SquamataViperidaeVipera ursiniiMeadow viper草原蝰I
SquamataViperidaeProtobothrops mangshanensisMang Mountain pit viper莽山烙铁头蛇
SquamataColubridaeHebius metusiumWa Shan keelback瓦屋山腹链蛇
SquamataColubridaeCalamaria yunnanensisYunnan reed snake云南两头蛇
SquamataColubridaeEuprepiophis perlaceaSichuan rat snake横斑丽蛇
SquamataColubridaeElaphe schrenkiiManchurian black water snake東北黑水蛇??
SquamataTyphlopidaeTyphlops lazelliLazell's blind snake香港盲蛇
TestudinesTrionychidaePalea steindachneriWattle-necked softshell turtle山瑞鳖II
TestudinesTrionychidaePelochelys cantoriiCantor's giant softshell turtleI
TestudinesTrionychidaeRafetus swinhoeiYangtze giant softshell turtle斑鳖
TestudinesCheloniidaeCaretta carettaLoggerhead sea turtle蠵龟III
TestudinesCheloniidaeChelonia mydasGreen sea turtle绿海龟III
TestudinesCheloniidaeEretmochelys imbricataHawksbill sea turtle玳瑁III
TestudinesCheloniidaeLepidochelys olivaceaOlive ridley sea turtle太平洋丽龟III
TestudinesDermochelyidaeDermochelys coriaceaLeatherback sea turtle棱皮龟III
TestudinesTestudinidaeTestudo horsfieldiRussian tortoise四爪陆龟I
TestudinesTestudinidaeManouria impressaImpressed tortoise凹甲陆龟II
TestudinesPlatysternidaePlatysternon megacephalumBig-headed turtle大头龟I
TestudinesGeoemydidaeCuora aurocapitataYellow-headed box turtle金头闭壳龟I
TestudinesGeoemydidaeCuora flavomarginataChinese box turtle食蛇龟
TestudinesGeoemydidaeGeoemyda spengleriBlack-breasted leaf turtle地龟II
TestudinesGeoemydidaeCuora trifasciataGolden coin turtle三线闭壳龟II
TestudinesGeoemydidaeCuora yunnanensisYunnan box turtle云南闭壳龟II
TestudinesGeoemydidaeCuora galbinifronsIndochinese box turtle黄额闭壳龟
TestudinesGeoemydidaeCuora mccordiMcCord's box turtle百色闭壳龟
TestudinesGeoemydidaeCuora mouhotiiKeeled box turtle锯缘摄龟
TestudinesGeoemydidaeCuora paniPan's box turtle潘氏闭壳龟
TestudinesGeoemydidaeCuora zhouiZhou's box turtle周氏闭壳龟
TestudinesGeoemydidaeMauremys muticaYellow pond turtle黄喉拟水龟
TestudinesGeoemydidaeMauremys nigricansRed-necked pond turtle黑颈乌龟
TestudinesGeoemydidaeMauremys reevesiiChinese pond turtle草龟
TestudinesGeoemydidaeOcadia sinensisChinese stripe-necked turtle花龟
TestudinesGeoemydidaeSacalia bealeiBeale's eyed turtle眼斑水龟
TestudinesGeoemydidaeSacalia quadriocellataFour-eyed turtle四眼斑水龟


Protected and endangered amphibian species of China
  indicates species endemic to China
Order Family Scientific name Common name Chinese name Protection
in China
IUCN Red List CITES App'x
CaudataCryptobranchidaeAndrias davidianusChinese giant salamander大鯢III
CaudataHynobiidaeHynobius chinensisChinese salamander中国小鲵
CaudataHynobiidaeBatrachuperus londongensisLongdong stream salamander龙洞山溪鲵
CaudataHynobiidaeHynobius amjiensisAmji's salamander安吉小鲵
CaudataHynobiidaeHynobius formosanusTaiwan salamander台湾山椒鱼
CaudataHynobiidaeHynobius sonaniSonan's salamander楚南小鲵
CaudataSalamandridaeParamesotriton guanxiensisGuangxi warty newt广西瘰螈
CaudataSalamandridaeRanodon sibiricusCentral Asian salamander新疆北鲵
CaudataSalamandridaeTylototriton asperrimusBlack knobby newt细痣疣螈II
CaudataSalamandridaeEchinotriton chinhaiensisChinhai spiny newt镇海疣螈II
CaudataSalamandridaeTylototriton kweichowensisRed-tailed knobby newt贵州疣螈II
CaudataSalamandridaeTylototriton taliangensisTaliang knobby newt大涼疣螈II
CaudataSalamandridaeTylototriton verrucosusHimalayan newt细瘰疣螈II
CaudataSalamandridaeTylototriton hainanensisHainan knobby newt海南疣螈
CaudataSalamandridaeCynops orphicusDayang newt汕头蝾螈
CaudataSalamandridaeEchinotriton andersoniAnderson's crocodile newt琉球棘螈
CaudataSalamandridaeCynops wolterstorffiYunnan lake newt滇池蝾螈
AnuraRanidaeHoplobatrachus tigerinusIndus Valley bullfrog虎紋蛙II
AnuraRanidaeAmolops hainanensisHainan torrent frog海南湍蛙
AnuraRanidaeAmolops hongkongensisHong Kong cascade frog香港瀑蛙
AnuraRanidaeGlandirana minimaFujian frog小山蛙
AnuraRanidaeNanorana maculosaPiebald spiny frog花棘蛙
AnuraRanidaeRana chevrontaChevron-spotted brown frog峰斑林蛙
AnuraRanidaeNanorana unculuanusYunnan Asian frog棘肛蛙
AnuraRanidaeRana sauteriSauter's brown frog梭德氏蛙 
AnuraRanidaeNanorana yunnanensisYunnan spiny frog双团棘胸蛙
AnuraRanidaeQuasipaa boulengeriBoulenger's spiny frog西藏齿突蟾
AnuraRanidaeQuasipaa robertingeriHejiang spiny frog合江棘蛙
AnuraRanidaeOdorrana kuangwuensisKwangwu odorous frog光雾臭蛙
AnuraRanidaePelophylax tenggerensisnone腾格里蛙
AnuraBufonidaeParapelophryne scalptaHainan flathead toad鳞皮厚蹼蟾
AnuraMicrohylidaeMicryletta steinegeriStejneger's narrow-mouthed toad台湾娟娃
AnuraRhacophoridaeLiuixalus ocellatusOcellated bubble-nest frog眼斑小树蛙
AnuraRhacophoridaeLiuixalus romeriRomer's tree frog卢文氏树蛙
AnuraRhacophoridaeRhacophorus arvalisFarmland green tree frog诸罗树蛙
AnuraRhacophoridaeRhacophorus aurantiventrisOrange-belly tree frog橙腹树蛙
AnuraRhacophoridaeRhacophorus minimusnone
AnuraRhacophoridaeRhacophorus yaoshanensisnone瑶山树蛙
AnuraMegophryidaeLeptobrachium boringiiEmei moustache toad峨眉髭蟾
AnuraMegophryidaeLeptobrachium leishanenseLeishan spiny toad雷山髭蟾
AnuraMegophryidaeLeptolalax alpinusnone高山掌突蟾
AnuraMegophryidaeOreolalax chuanbeiensisChuanbei toothed toad川北齿蟾
AnuraMegophryidaeOreolalax liangbeiensisLiangbei toothed toad凉北齿蟾
AnuraMegophryidaeOreolalax omeimontisOmei toothed toad峨眉齿蟾
AnuraMegophryidaeOreolalax pingiiPing's toothed toad秉志齿蟾
AnuraMegophryidaeOreolalax puxiongensisPuxiong toothed toad普雄齿蟾
AnuraMegophryidaeScutiger chintingensisChinting alpine toad金顶齿突蟾
AnuraMegophryidaeScutiger maculatusPiebald alpine toad花齿突蟾
AnuraMegophryidaeScutiger muliensisMuli cat-eyed toad木里猫眼蟾
AnuraMegophryidaeScutiger ningshanensisNingshan alpine toad宁陕齿突蟾
AnuraMegophryidaeScutiger pingwuensisPingwu alpine toad平武齿突蟾
AnuraMegophryidaeXenophrys brachykolosShort-legged horned toad短腳角蟾


Ray-finned fish (Actinopterygii)[9]

Protected and endangered ray-finned fish species of China
  indicates species endemic to China
Order Family Scientific name Common name Chinese name Protection
in China
IUCN Red List CITES App'x
Perciformes Sciaenidae Bahaba taipingensis Chinese bahaba 黄唇鱼 II
ScorpaeniformesCottidaeTrachidermus fasciatusRoughskin sculpin四鳃鲈II
SyngnathiformesSyngnathidaeHippocampus kelloggiGreat seahorse线纹海马II
CypriniformesCatostomidaeMyxocyprinus asiaticusChinese high fin banded shark胭脂鱼II
CypriniformesCyprinidaeTanichthys albonubesWhite Cloud Mountain minnow唐鱼II
CypriniformesCyprinidaeCyprinus pellegriniBarbless carp大头鲤II
CypriniformesCyprinidaeSinocyclocheilus grahamiGolden-line barbel滇池金线鲃II
CypriniformesCyprinidaeAspiorhynchus laticepsBig-head schizothoracin扁吻鱼I
CypriniformesCyprinidaeZacco taliensisDali schizothoracin大理裂腹鱼II
AnguilliformesAnguillidaeAnguilla marmorataMarbled eel花鳗鲡II
SalmoniformesSalmonidaeHucho bleekeriSichuan taimen四川哲罗鲑I
SalmoniformesSalmonidaeBrachymystax lenokLenok秦岭细鳞鲑II
AcipenseriformesAcipenseridaeAcipenser sinensisChinese sturgeon中华鲟III
AcipenseriformesAcipenseridaeAcipenser dabryanusDabry's sturgeon达氏鲟III
AcipenseriformesPolyodontidaePsephurus gladiusChinese paddlefish白鲟III
SiluriformesPangasiidaePangasianodon gigasMekong giant catfish巨无齿𩷶I

Cartilaginous fish (Chondrichthyes)

Protected and endangered cartilaginous fish species of China
Order Family Scientific name Common name Chinese name Protection
in China
IUCN Red List CITES App'x
PristiformesPristidaeAnoxypristis cuspidataKnifetooth sawfish尖齿锯鳐I
PristiformesPristidaePristis zijsronLongcomb sawfish后鳍锯鳐I


Protected and endangered lancelet species of China
Order Family Scientific name Common name Chinese name Protection
in China
IUCN Red List CITES App'x
AmphioxiformesBranchiostomatidaeBranchiostoma belcheriChinese amphioxus文昌鱼II

Endangered and protected plant species


Endangered and protected plant species, of the native and endemic Flora of China.

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 This subspecies has not been classified by the IUCN Red List; the conservation status shown refers to the species it belongs to.
  2. Only applicable to A. p. annamiticus.
  3. While the sika deer (Cervus nippon) is considered by the IUCN to be of least concern globally, at least three subspecies, the Shanxi sika deer (Cervus nippon grassianus), North China sika deer (Cervus nippon mandarinus) and Formosan sika deer (Cervus nippon taioanus) are extinct in the wild in China, but are raised on farms in captivity.


  1. "Four out of six great apes one step away from extinction – IUCN Red List | IUCN World Conservation Congress". Archived from the original on 2016-09-08. Retrieved 2016-09-05.
  2. Chapman, A.D (September 2005). "Numbers of Living Species in Australia and the World: A Report for the Department of the Environment and Heritage". Australian Biological Resources Study. Australian Biodiversity Information Services. Archived from the original on 2007-11-01. Retrieved 2007-11-26.
  3. Countries with the Highest Biological Diversity Archived 2013-03-26 at the Wayback Machine. 2004 data. Retrieved 24 April 2013.
  4. (in Chinese) 北京一级保护野生动物 Beijing Wildlife Conservation Association Archived 2013-04-16 at the Wayback Machine Accessed 2013-04-04.
  5. Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Wildlife, adopted November 8, 1988
  6. "国家重点保护野生动物名录" (PDF) (in Chinese). National Forestry and Grassland Administration and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. 2021-02-05. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2021-04-12. Retrieved 2023-01-28.
  7. CITES species database Accessed 2013-04-23
  8. IUCN Red List Accessed 2013-04-20
  9. Leng, Xiaoqian; Du, Hao; Xiong, Wei; Cheng, Peilin; Luo, Jiang; Wu, Jinming (2023-03-03). "Successful Ultrasonography-Assisted Artificial Reproduction of Critically Endangered Sichuan taimen (Hucho bleekeri)". Fishes. 8 (3): 152. doi:10.3390/fishes8030152. ISSN 2410-3888.
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