The Likeaballs is a British cartoon series created by Jim Quick that airs on BBC One and CBBC. It began production in 2006. It was produced by Cosgrove Hall Films.


The show is about a group of ball-shaped round hounds whose home planet was destroyed. They take part in football matches. They compete against their deadly rivals The Dislikeaballs. All characters names are puns on words ending in "-able", e.g. inflatable is Inflataball etc. The only exceptions being Pam & Dan, spoofs of BBC News 24 sports reporters.

Episode titles

All episode titles are nouns or verbs, e.g. "Hat", Lucky or "Game" etc. Only 26 episodes were made.

1. Grannits

2. Prisoner

3. Bugbots

4. Giant

5. Slimey

6. Tiddly

7. Ballbasket

8. System

9. Snowy

10. Training

11. Shield

12. Lucky

13. Monopod

14. Guilty

15. Bears

16. Cows

17. Sick

18. Lost

19. Smelly

20. Hat

21. Trophy

22. Manners

23. Scary

24. Truth

25. Robot

26. Television

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