Glossary of Russian and USSR aviation acronyms |
This is a glossary of acronyms and initials used for organisations in the Russian Federation and formerly the USSR. The Latin-alphabet names are phonetic representations of the Cyrillic originals, and variations are inevitable.
- Аэрогеология
- Aero-geological Industrial Association[1]
- [otdel] Aviatsii, Ghidroaviahtsii i Opytnovo Samolyotostroyeniya - [section for] aviation, hydro-aviation and experimental construction[2]
- Aviatsionnaya Krasnoznamyonnaya Diviziya Osobogo Naznacheniya - Red Banner Special Task Aviation Division
- - organisation for importing and licensing American products[3]
- Aviatsionnyy Nauchno-proizvodstvennyy Kompleks MIG – aviation science and production complex MiG[4][5]
- Aviatsionnyi Nauchno-Teknichyeskii Kompleks – Aviation scientific-technical complex[3]
- Aviatsionnyi Nauchno-Teknichyeskii Kompleks – Tupolev aviation scientific-technical complex[6]
- AviaRemontnyy Zavod – aircraft repair factory[4]
- Akademiya Vozdushnogo Flota – air fleet academy
- – independent Arctic directorate of Aeroflot[3]
- – squadron part of an LO[1]
- - all-union aviation export agency[1]
- Aviatsiya i Khimiya - Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Soviet Aircraft and Chemical Industry[4][7]
- – Vnito aviation department of the all-union scientific and technical research organisation[3]
- Gosudarstvenniy Trest Aviatsionniy Promishlennosti - State Aviation Industry Trust[7]
- - central aviation management organisation Sept 1923[3]
- Byuro Novykh Konstruktsiy - bureau of new designs[3]
- Byuro Novoy Tekhniki - bureau of new technology[3] NKAP
- Byuro Osobykh Konstruktsiy - bureau of special design[8]
- – see TsAGI
- – see TsKB
- – see TsIAM
- – see TsNII
- – see TsUMVS
- – secret police 1918-22 became OGPU[3]
- - (Dyuflon & Konstaninovich factory)[3]
- - Deutsche Russki Air[3] German/Russian airline 1922
- Dolgoprudnenskiy Mashinostroitel'nyy Zavod – Dolgoproodnyy Machinery Factory[9]
- [3] Russian airline 1922
- Dobrovol'noe Obschestvo Sodesystviya Armii Aviatcii i Flotu - voluntary society for assistance to the army, air force and navy[2]
- Eksperimentahl'nyy Mashinostroitel'nyy Zavod - experimental machinery factory[10]
- Federal'noye Agentstvo Pravitel'stvennoy Svyazi i Informatsii – federal agency of government communications and information[4]
- Federatsiya Lyubiteley Aviatsii Rossiyskoy Federatsii – aviation enthusiasts federation of Russia[4]
- Gosudarstvenny Aviatsionnyy Zavod – state aviation plant/factory[3]
- Gazodinamicheskaya Laboratoriya - Gas Dynamics Laboratory[3][11]
- Gosudarstvenny Elektro-Energeticheskiy Institut - State Institute of Electricity and Energy[7]
- Gosudarstvenny Institut po Raketnoy Tekhnike – state institute for rocket technology[11]
- Gosudarstvenny Krasnoznamyonnyy Naoochno-Issledovatel'skiy Institoot Grazhdahnskoy Aviahtsii - state red banner air forces research institute[5]
- Gosudarstvenny Komitet Po Aviatsionnoy Promyshlennosti - state committee on aviation industry[3]
- Gosudarstvenny Komitet Po Rahdioelektronike – state committee for electronic equipment
- Glavnoe Pravlenie Obédinennikh Aviapromishlennikh – Chief Directorate of united aviation industry factories[3][7]
- – Main Directorate of northern sea routes[3]
- Gosudarstvenny Lyotno-Ispytahtel'nyy Tsentr – state flight test centre[5] formerly GNIKI VVS
- Gosudarstvenny Nauchno-Ispytatel'ny Krasnoznamenny Institut VVS – State research test institute for the air forces[2]
- Gosudarstvenny Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut Aviatsionnykh Sistem - state scientific research institute for aircraft systems[5]
- Gosudarstvenny Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut Grazhdahnskoy Aviahtsii - state scientific research institute for civil aviation[8] replaced Gos NII GVF
- Gosudarstvenny Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut Grazdahnskovo Vozdooshnovo Flota - state scientific research institute for civil air fleet[3]
- Gosudarstvenny Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut Grazhdahnskoy Aviahtsii - state air forces research institute[10]
- Gosudarstvenny Nauchno-Ispytatel'nyy Poligon Aviatsionnykh System - state research and test range for aircraft systems[5]
- Gosudarstvenny Standart - state standard[7]
- Gosudarstvenny Optnyy Zavod – State Experimental Plant[13]
- - civil experimental aeroplane construction[3]
- Gosudarstvennoye Soyooznoye Opytno Konstrooktorskoye Byuro – State Union experimental design/construction bureau[9][14]
- GSPI-7 institute
- Gosudarstvennyy Soyuznyy Zavod – State Union factory[15]
- ГУАП[16]
- Главное управление авиационной промышленности - Glavnoye upravleniye uviatsionnoy promyshlennosti - Chief directorate of the aviation industry[3]
- ГУ ГВФ[17]
- Главное управление гражданского воздушного флота - Glavnoye upravleniye grazhdanskovo vozdushnogo flota – Chief directorate of the civil air fleet[3]
- Glavnoye Upravleniye Severnogo Morskogo Puti- main directorate of the northern sea route[3]
- Glavnoye Upravleniye Voyenno Promishlennosti- main directorate of military industry[7]
- Glavnoye Upravleniye Voyenno-Vozdushnykh Sil- main directorate of air force[3]
- Grazdanskiy Vozdushniy Flot- civil air fleet[3]
- – see TsIAM
- - metallurgical institute[6]
- Institut Promishlennoy Energetiki - institute of industrial power engineering[7]
- - Kazan aviation institute[2]
- - A. M. Isayev Chemical Engineering Design Bureau (Russian: Конструкторское бюро химического машиностроения имени A. M. Исаева)
- Konstruktorskoye Byuro Radiostroyeniya – experimental design/construction bureau
- Konstruktorskoye Byuro 'Vnutrenn'aya Tyur'ma - Internal Prison Design Bureau[15]
- Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti – state security committee[5]
- Kharkovskii Aviatsionny Institut - Kharkov aviation institute[2]
- Kharkovskii Traktorniy Zavod - Kharkov tractor factory[7]
- Kievskoye Aviatsionnoye Proizvodstvennoye Ob"yedineniye – Kiev Aircraft Production Association[1]
- Kievskiy Aviazavod – Kiev Aircraft Factory[1]
- - Kiev Institute of civil aviation engineering[3]
- Kazanskoe Motorostroitelnoe Proizvodsvennoe Obédinenie - Kazan Engine-building production Enterprise[7]
- 'Trood' Kiyevskiy Mashinostroitel'nyy Zavod 'Trud' - 'Labour' Kiev Manufacturing plant[1]
- Komitet Oboroni - defence committee[7]
- Komissiya po Tyazhyeloi Aviatsii - commission for heavy aviation[3]
- Kommunisticheskiy Soyuz Molodezhi - young communists union[3]
- Krasnogorskiy Optiko-Mekhanicheskiy Zavod – Krasnogorsk optics and machinery plant[5]
- Konstruktorskiy Otdel Sektora Opytnogo Stroitel'stva - section of experimental aeroplane construction[2]
- Leningrahdskiy Institut Grazhdahnskovo [vozdooshnovo flota] – Leningrad Civil Air Fleet Institute[9]
- Letno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut (Letno-issledovatelʹskiy institut, Narodnyy Komissariaht Aviatsionnoy Promyshlennosti) - flight research institute (of the state commissariat for aviation industry)[2][11]
- Letnoispytatel'naya i Dovodochnaya Baza – design bureau flight test and mod facility[2]
- - Leningrad institute for sail and communications engineers[3]
- Leningradskoye Nauchno-Proizvodstvennoye Obyedineniye – Leningrad Scientific & Production Association [6]
- Letnyy Otryad – flight detachment [of an OAO][3]
- Moskovskii Aviatsionii Institut imeny Sergo Ordjoniidze - Moscow aviation institute (named after Sergo Ordjoniidze) [2]
- Moskovskoe Aviatsionnoye Proizvodstvennoye Obyedineniye – Moscow aircraft production association MiG[5]
- Moskovskiy Aviaremontnyy Zavod – Moscow Aircraft Overhaul Plant[9]
- Moskovskii Aviatsionii Technologicheskii Institut - Moscow aviation technological institute[3]
- - EMERCOM Russia[8]
- Ministerstvo Grazhdanskoy Aviahtsii – ministry of civil aviation[8]
- Ministerstvo Grazdanskogo Vozdooshnogo Flota - ministry of civil aviation[3]
- - Moscow institute of electronics[6]
- Moskovskoye Mashinostroitel'noye Konstruktorskoye Byuro – Moscow mechanical engineering design bureau[5]
- Moskovskiy Mashinostroitel'nyy Zavod – Moscow machine-building plant[13]
- Moskovskiy Naoochno-Issledovatel'sky Institoot Priborostroyeniya – Moscow research institute of instrument engineering[4][19]
- Moskovskaya Gruppa po Izucheniyu Reaktivnogo Dvizheniya - Moscow group for studying reactive movement
- Ministerstvo Oboronnoy Mashinostroyeniya – ministry of general machinery[1]
- Ministerstvo Oboronnoy Promyshlennosti – ministry of defence industry[8]
- - all-union association for experimental marine aircraft[3]
- Ministerstvo Rahdioelektronnoy Promyshlennosti – ministry of electronics industry[5]
- - ministry for internal affairs[3] 1946-53
- Mezhvedomstvennaya Komissiya [po soglasovaniyu] Norm Lyotnoy Godnosti Samolyotov – inter-department airworthiness regulations co-ordinating commission[6]
- Moskva Vyssheye Tekhnicheskoye - Moscow higher technical school[20]
- Nauchno-Avtomobilnaya Laboratoriya - scientific auto-mobile laboratory[7]
- Novosibirskoye Aviatsionnoye Proizvodstvenniye Obyedineniye – Novosibirsk aircraft production association[19]
- - supreme directorate of aviation industry [became GUAP]
- Nizhegorodskiy AviaZavod – Nizhniy Novgorod aircraft factory[5]
- Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Aero-Institut - scientific research aero-institute
- Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut Aviatsionnykh Teknologiy – scientific research institute of aviation technologies[5]
- Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy i Eksperimenahl'nyy Institut Parashootnodesahntnykh Sistem – Parachute Delivery systems Research and Experimental Institute[1]
- Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Poligon Aviatsionnogo Vooruzheniya - research test range of aircraft armament
- Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut - scientific research institute[3] more than 30 such as NII VVS,
- Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut Aviatsonnogo Oborudovaniya – avionics scientific research institute
- Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut Aviatsonnykh Sistem – aircraft systems scientific research institute[4]
- Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut Aviadvigateley Grazdahnskovo Vozdooshnovo Flota - civil air fleet scientific research institute for aero-engines[7]
- Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut Dvigateley Vnutrennego Sgoraniya - scientific research institute for internal combustion engines[7]
- Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut Gosoodarstvennovo Komteta po Rahdioelektronike – state scientific research institute for electronics[8]
- Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut Grazdahnskovo Vozdooshnovo Flota - civil air fleet scientific research institute[7]
- Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut KhIMMash - scientific research institute for KhIMMash
- Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut Priborostroyeniya - scientific research institute for fine instruments[5]
- Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut Rahdiostroyeniya - scientific research institute for radio equipment[5]
- Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut Tochnykh Priborov - scientific research institute for fine instruments[4]
- Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut Voyenno-Vozdooshnykh Seel – air force scientific research institute[2]
- Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut Voyenno-Vozdushnykh Sil Krasnoy Armii – Red Army air force scientific research institute[21]
- Nauchno-Issledovatel'skoye Otdeleniye (Otdel) – research division (section)[5]
- Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Tsentr Elektronno-Vychislitel'skiy Tekhniki – electronic/computing equipment research centre[5]
- Narodnyy Komissariat Voyenno-Vozdushnykh Sil - people's commissariat for the Soviet air force[15]
- Narodnyy Komissariat/Nauchno-Tekhnicheskiy Komitet Upravleniya Voyenno-Vozdushnykh Sil - people's Scientific committee/Scientific technical committee of the Soviet air force directorate[7]
- Narodnyy Komissariat Aviatsionnoy Promyshlennosti - people's commissariat for aviation industry[3][22]
- Narodnyy Komissariat Boyepripasov – people's commissariat of ordnance[11]
- Narodnyy Komissariat Elektricheskoy Promyshlennosti - people's commissariat for electrical engineering[11]
- Narodnyy Komissariat Oborony - people's commissariat for defence[8]
- Narodnyy Komissariat Tyazheloy Promyshlennosti - people's commissariat for heavy industry[2]
- Narodnyy Komissariat Vnutrennikh Del - people's commissariat for internal affairs[3] 1934-46 became MVD
- Narodnyy Komissariat po Voenim i Morskim Delam - people's commissariat for military and naval affairs[7]
- Narodnyy Komissariat Vneshney Torgovli - people's commissariat for foreign trade[7]
- Nauchno Opitniy Aerodrom - scientific experimental airfield[7]
- Nauchno-Proizvodstvennoe Ob'edinenie – Scientific and production corporation[2]
- Nauchno-Proizvodstvennoe Ob'edinenie Roodgeofizika – Scientific and production corporation Rudgeofizika[2]
- - Aeropower Research & Production Enterprise[1]
- Otdel Aerodinamicheskiy Letnykh Ispytaniy i Dovodok – department of aerodynamics, flight test and development[2]
- Obyedinennaya Aviastroitel'naya Korporatsiya – united aircraft manufacturing corporation[5]
- 1. Obyedinyonnyy Aviaotryad – united flight detachment [of a UGA]
- 2. Otdel'nyy Aviaotryad – independent flight detachment [government airline]
- 3. Otkrytoye Aktsionehrnoye Obshchestvo [Tupolev] – Tupolev Public limited Company[6]
- 4. OAO Ipromashprom
- Omskoye Aviatsionnoye Proizvodstvennoye Ob"yedineniye 'POLET' - flight production association in Omsk[9]
- - society for aviation and gliding of Ukraine and Crimea[3]
- Obshchestvo Druzey Vozdushnogo Flota- society of friends of the air fleet[7]
- Ob'edinyonnoye Glavnoe Politicheskoe Upravlenie - united governmental political administration[3][7] 1922-34 head Menzhinskii, became NKVD
- Опытное конструкторское бюро - Opytno Konstrooktorskoye Byuro – experimental design/construction bureau[2]
- Opytno Konstrooktorskoye Byuro Motorostroeniya – experimental design/construction bureau for motor construction (modern acronym)[7]
- Opytno Konstrooktorskoye Byuro Mashinostroeniya – experimental design/construction bureau for machine construction (early version of OKB)[7]
- Opytno-konstruktorskoye - experimental design section[3] Kiev Tairov
- Ordena Lenina Akademiya Grazhdahnskoy Aviatsii – Leningrad Civil Aviation Academy decorated with the Order of Lenin[9]
- - department of marine experimental aircraft construction[3]
- Otdel Neftyanikh Dvigateley- department of crude oil engines[7]
- - department of special construction[3]
- Otdel Opytnogo Samolyetostroeniya - section for experimental aircraft construction[3]
- Opytnyy Otdel - experimental department[15]
- Obshchestvo Sodeystviya Aviatsii i Khimii- society for assistance to aviation and chemical industry[3][7]
- - department for special construction[3]
- Obshchestvo sodeystviya Oborone – Defence Enhancement Society[4]
- Otdel Sookhoputnykh Samolyotov - department for experimental land-plane construction[15]
- Osoboe tekhnicheskoe byuro po voennym izobreteniyam spetsialnogo naznacheniya (Особое техническое бюро по военным изобретениям специального назначения) special technical bureau for military inventions[3]
- Obshchestvo Spasaniya na Vodakh – Nautical Rescue Agency[9]
- Osoboe Technicheskoye Byuro – special technical bureau[7]
- Otdel Tekhnologicheskikh Laboratoriy – technical laboratories section[6]
- - department of war intervention[3] of RKKA
- Polyarnaya Aviatsiya – polar aviation[8]
- Polyarnyy Institut Morskovo Rybnovo Khozyaystva I Okeanografii – polar institute of oceanic fishery and oceanography[8]
- Permskoye Proizvodstvennoye Ob"yedineniye Motorostroyeniya – Perm engine production association[5]
- Soviet Voennoy Promishlennostii – council of the defence industry[7]
- Russkii Aviatsonniy Motor – Russian aviation motor[7]
- Rusko-Baltiyskiy Vagonniy Zavod – Russo-Baltic Wagon Factory[20]
- Revolutsionniy Voenniy Sovet – revolutionary military council[7]
- Raschetno-Ispyatelnoye Byuro – Calculation and Testing Office[20]
- Rizhskiy Institut Inzhenerov Grazhdahnskoy – Riga Civil Aviation Engineers Institute[9]
- Rybinskoye Konstruktorskoye Byuro Motorostroyeniya – Rybinsk motor constructors burea[5]
- Rizhskiy Krasnoznamennyy Institut Inzhenerov Grazhdahnskoy Aviatsii – Red Banner institute of civil aviation engineers[8]
- Raboche-Krestyanskoy Krasnoy Armii - Vozdushniy Flot – Workers' and peasants' red army air fleet[7]
- Raketnyy Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut - reaction engine scientific research institute[2]
- Rossiyskoye Oboronnoye Sportivno-tekhnicheskoye Obschchestvo – russian Defence Sports and Technical Society[9] Post USSR split
- Ramenskoye Priborno-Konstruktorskoye Byuro – Ramenskoye instrument design bureau[5]
- - Russian Federation[9]
- Rossiyskaya Samolyotostroitel'naya Korporatsiya – Russia aircraft construction corporation MiG[5]
- Revolutsionniy Voenniy Sovet (or Revvoensovet) – revolutionary military council[7]
- Sibirskiy Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut Aviatsii – Siberian aeronautical research institute[4]
- 1. Spetsiahl'noye Konstruktorskoye Byuro – special design/construction bureau[13]
- 2. Studencheskoye Konstruktorskoye Byuro - student construction bureau[9]
- 3. Syerinoye Konstruktorskoye Byuro – series design/construction bureau[7]
- Spetsiahl'noye Konstruktorskoye Byuro Rotorno-Porshnevikh Dvigateley Volzhskogo Avtomobilnogo Zavoda – special design/construction bureau for Wankel rotary engines of the Volga automoile factory[7]
- Stupinskoye Konstruktorskoye Byuro Mashinostroyeniya – Stupino Machinery Design Bureau[9]
- Seriyno-Konstruktorskiy Otdel – Production Design Department[5]
- Samolyet Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut - aeroplane scientific research institute[3] GVF
- Sovet Narodnykh Komissarov – council of peoples commissars[11] – soviet government
- Sektor Opytnogo Stroitel'stva – prototype construction section[8]
- Sovet Narodnikh Komissarov – council of people's commissars[7]
- Sovet Narodnogo Khozyaystva –council of national economy[7]
- Severnyy Polyus – north pole[4]
- Sovet Truda i Oboroni – council of labour and defence[7]
- Tashkentskoye Aviatsionnoye Proizvodstvennoye Ob"yedineniye – Tashkent aircraft production association[8]
- Tul'skoye Konstruktorskoye Byuro – Tula design bureau[8]
- Taganrogskiy Mashinostroitel'nyy Zavod Imeni Georgiya Dimitrova – Taganrog Machinery plant no.86 named after Gheorgiya Dimitriova[8]
- Tekhnicheskiy Otdel Ekonomicheskogo Upravleniya Ob'edinyonnoye Glavnoe Politicheskoe Upravlenie - technical department of the economic directorate of the special governmental political administration[7]
- Центра́льный аэрогидродинами́ческий институ́т (ЦАГИ) Tsentralniy Aerogidrodinamicheskiy Institut, the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute
- Tsentral'nyy Aerodinamicheskiy i Gidrodinamicheskiy Institut- central aerodynamics and hydrodynamics institute[2] – may be written CAHI as an acronym of English words
- Tsentral'naya Aerologicheskaya Observatoriya – central aerologic observatory
- Tsentral'nyy Institut Aviatsionnovo Motorostroyeniya - central institute of aviation motors[2] – may be written CIAM as an acronym of English words.
- Tsentral'noye Konstruktorskoye Byuro - central construction bureau[3]
- Tsentral'noye Konstruktorskoye Byuro 29 Narodnyy Komissariat Vnutrennikh Del - NKVD central construction bureau 29[3]
- Tsentral'noye Konstruktorskoye Byuro Glahvnoye Oopravleniye Aviatsionnoy Promyshlennosti - central construction bureau main directorate of aviation industry[15]
- TsKB Morskogo Samoletostroyeniya – central seaplane design bureau
- Tsentral'naya Laboratoriya Spasatel'noy Tekhniki – central laboratory for new types of rescue equipment[9]
- Tsentral'nyy Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Dizelniy Institut – [ministry of defence] central scientific research diesel institute[7]
- Tsentral'nyy Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut – [ministry of defence] central scientific research institute[5]
- Tsentral'nyy Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut CherMet – central scientific research institute of Ferrous Metals[6]
- Tsentral'noye Upravleniye Mezhdunarodnykh Vozdushnykh Soobshcheniy – central directorate for international services[8]
- Tushinsky mashinostroitelny Zavod – Tushino engineering works[2]
- Upravleniye Grazhdanskoy Aviatsii – Civil Aviation Directorate[1]
- Ukrainskiy Institut Dvigateley Vnutrennego Sgoraniya – Ukrainian institute of internal combustion engines[7]
- Ukrainskiy Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Aviadizelniy Institut – Ukrainian scientific research aviation diesel institute[7]
- - training centre[3]
- U K Grazdanskovo Vozdushnogo Flota - training centre for civil air fleet
- see UVP[3]
- -
- - control board of navy[3]
- - special work control[3]
- Upravleniye Uchebnykh Zavedeniy – Training Establishments Directorate[1]
- Upravleniye Voyenno-Vozdushnyye Flota – Training Establishment of the Soviet Air force fleet
- Ukrvosdukhput – Ukrainian airline[3]
- Vsesoyuznoye Aviatsionnnoye Ob'yedineniye - all-union aircraft production association[15]
- Vsesoyuzniy Institut Aviatsionnykh Materialov - all-union institute for aviation materials[3]
- Vsesoyuznyy Institut Legkikh Splavov – All-Union Institute of Light-Alloys[6]
- Vintomotorniy Otdel – propeller and motor department[7]
- Vsesoyuznyy Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Dizelniy Institut – All-Union Scientific research diesel Institute[7]
- Vsesoyuznyy Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut Motornoy Promishlennosti –All-Union Scientific research institute of the engine industry[7]
- Vsesoyuznyy Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Institut Radioelektroniki I Avtomatiki – all-union electronics and automatic equipment research institute[5]
- - Voronezh engine design bureau[4]
- 1. Voyenno-Promyshlennaya Komissya – commission on military-industrial matters[4]
- 2. Voyenno-Promyshlennyy Kompleks – defence industry complex[5]
- Voyenno-Promyshlennyy Kompleks Moskovskoe Aviatsionnoye Proizvodstvennoye Ob"yedineniye – defence industry complex - Moscow aircraft production association[5] defence industry complex[5]
- Visshiy Sovet Narodnogo Khozyaystva -supreme council of the people's economy[7]
- - internal prison[3]
- Zaporozhskoye Motorno-Konstrooktorskoye Byuro ['Progress'] – Preogress Zaporozhskoye engine design bureau[8]
- Zavod Opytno-konstruktorskoye - factory for special construction / experimental designs (interpretation unclear)[2]
Military units
- - airborne forces of VVS[3]
- AD
- Aviatsionnyy Diviziya - fighter air division[15]
- Aviatsiya Dal'nevo Deystviya - long range aviation[3]
- AviaDiveeziya Osobvo Naznacheniya – special mission air division
- AE
- Aviaeskadril'ya - air squadron[15]
- Aviatsionnaya Ispytatel'naya Stantsiya, Morskaya Vedomsfva - naval air test station
- A Maksim Gorkii - propaganda squadron
- Aviatsionnyy Polk Istrebiteley Bombardirovshchikov – fighter-bomber regiment[5]
- Aviatsionnyy Polk Samolyetov-Zaprahvshchikov – aerial refuelling regiment[8]
- AT
- Aviaotryad - air detachment[15]
- Aviatsiya Voyenno-Morskogo Flota - naval aviation[3]
- Blizhne-bombardirovochnyye Polki - short range bomber air regiment[23]
- Bombardirovchnyy Aviatsionnyy Polk - bomber regiment[3]
- DA
- Dahl'nyaya Aviahtsiya - long-range aviation[4] became ADD
- FA
- (Russian:фронтовой авиации) Frontovaya Aviatsiya – frontal aviation[3] tactical aviation of VVS
- Gvardeyskiy istrebitel'nyy Aviatsionnyy Polk – Guards fighter regiment[4]
- Gvardeyskiy Otdel'nyy Smeshannyy Aviatsionnyy Polk – guards independent composite air regiment[8]
- Gvardeyskiy Tyazhelobombardirovochnyy Aviatsionnyy Polk – guards heavy bomber regiment[8]
- Inzhenerno-Aviatcionaya Sluzhba - Soviet and Russian Air Force acquisition and maintenance service[23]
- Istrebitel'naya Aviatsionnyy Brigahda - fighter brigade[15]
- Istrebitel'naya Aviatsionnyy Diveeziya - fighter air division[4]
- Istrebitel'nyy Aviatsionnyy Polk - fighter regiment[4]
- Istrebitel'naya Aviahtsiya - Protivovozdushnaya Oborona - manned fighter branch of PVO[3]
- Leningradskaya Krasnoznamennaya Voyenno-Vozdushnaya Inzhenernaya Akademiya – Leningrad red banner military air academy
- MA
- Morskaya Aviahtsiya - naval aviation[3] became AV-MF
- Mestnaya Protivovozdushnaya Oborona – local air defence forces[4]
- Minno-torpednyi Aviatsionnyi Polk – minelaying and torpedo-bomber regiment[8]
- Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii i Uchebno-Trenirovchnnyi Kompleks – R&D and training complex[5] ground facility for carrier arresting landings trials and training
- Otdel'nyy Aviatsionnyy Otryad – independent flight detachment[8]
- otdel'naya Dahl'nyaya Razvedyvatel'naya Aviaeskadril'ya[1] Independent Long-Range Reconnaissance Squadron
- - independent naval aviation group
- Otdel'nyy Minno-Torpednyy AviaPolk – independent minelaying and torpedo-bomber regiment[8]
- Otdel'nyy Protivolodochnyy Aviatsionnyy Polk Dahl'nevo Deystviya – independent long-range ASW regiment[8]
- Otdel'naya Protivolodochnaya Aviatsionnyy Eskadril'ya – independent ASW squadron[8] Independent ASW Air Squadron
- Otdel'naya Smeshannaya Aviatsionnyy Eskadril'ya – composite air squadron[1]
- Otdel'nyy Smeshannyy Aviatsionnyy polk – composite air regiment[5]
- Protivovozdushnaya Oborona – air defence forces[2]
- Raboche-Krest'yanskaya Krasnaya Armiya – workers and peasants Red Army[2]
- ShAD
- Shturmovaya Aviatsionnyy Diveeziya – Ground attack air division[8]
- ShAK
- Shturmovoy Aviatsionnyy Korpoos – Ground attack air corps[8]
- ShAP
- Shturmovoy Aviatsionnyy Polk – Ground attack air regiment[8]
- Shkola Mladshikh Aviatsionnykh Spetsialistov – junior aviation specialists school[5]
- SmAD
- Smeshannaya Aviatsionnyy Diveeziya – composite air division[5]
- SmAP
- Smeshannaya Aviatsionnyy Polk – composite air regiment[15]
- Stavka
- Stavka – Supreme High Command
- Severnaya Gruppa Voysk – Northern Group of Forces [1]
- Tyazhelobombardirovochnyy Aviapolk – heavy bomber regiment[10]
- Transportno-Desantnaya Aviatsiya – transport and assault aviation[8]
- TsBP i PLS
- Tsentr Boyevoy Podogotovki i Pereuchivaniya Letnogo Sostava – combat & conversion training centre[4]
- TsGV
- Tsentrahl'naya Grooppa Voysk – Central forces Group[1]
- Tambovskoye Vyssheye Voyennoye Aviatsionnoye Oochilishche Lyotchikov – Tambov higher military pilot school[8]
- Oochebnyy AviaPolk – instructional regiment[1]
- UB
- Unifitsirovanny Blok – unified unit
- Uchebnyy Istrebitel'nyy AviaPolk – instructional fighter regiment[5]
- Upravleniye Opytnovo Stroitel'stva Aviatsionnoy Tekhniki – Soviet Ari force experimental aircraft construction department[12]
- Upravlenie Voyenno-Vozdooshnyye Flota - administration of the military air fleet[7]
- Upravlenie Voyenno-Vozdooshnyye Seely - administration of the VVS/ air force directorate[2]
- VA
- Vozdushnaya Armiya – Air Army[4]
- Vozdushno-Desantnyye Voyska – airborne troops[4]
- V-MF
- Voenno-morskoj flot - Naval Fleet Russian: Военно-морской флот СССР,
- V-TA
- Voyenno-Transportnaya Aviahtsiya – military transport aviation[3]
- Voynno-Vozdushnaya Akademiya - VVS academy[4] Zhukovskii
- Vyesheye Voyennoye Aviatsiionnoye Uchilishche Lyotchikov – military flying college[1]
- Vyesheye Voyennoye Aviatsiionnoye Uchilishche Shturmanov – Military Navigator College[1]
- Voyenno-Vozdushnyye Flota - Air Forces [3]
- - VVA engineering academy[3]
- Voyenno-Vozdushnyye Sily - Soviet air force[2]
- Voyenno-Vozdushnyye Sily Raboche-Krest'yanskaya Krasnaya Armiya - Soviet air force of the Workers'and peasants'red army[7]
- YuGV
- Yuzhnaya Gruppa Voysk – Southern forces Group[1]
- Zapasnoy Aviatsionnyy/Aviapolk – reserve air/fighter regiment[4]
- Zapadnaya Gruppa Voysk – Western Group of Forces[1]
- Zavod Opitnikh Konstruktsiy – factory of experimental designs[7]
- A. Mozhaysky Military Space Academy
- A.S. Popov Naval Radioelectronics Institute
- Academy of the General Staff
- Admiral F.F. Ushakov Baltic Naval Institute
- Admiral P.S. Nakhimov Naval School (Leningrad-1944, Tbilisi-1944, and Riga-1945)
- Armed Forces Academy of Humanities
- Budyonny Military Academy of Communications (Военная академия связи им. С. М. Буденного)
- Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Russian: Общевойсковая академия Вооруженных сил Российской Федерации), (ru:Общевойсковая академия Вооружённых Сил Российской Федерации)
- Combined Arms Academy
- Combined Arms Military Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation-Military Engineering Forces Institute
- Dzerzhinsky Military Academy (Russian: Военная академия им. Ф. Э. Дзержинского)
- F. Derzhinskiy Higher Naval Engineering School
- Felix Dzerzhinsky Military Rocket Forces Academy
- Felix E. Dzerzhinsky Artillery Academy (Артиллерийская академия имени Ф. Э. Дзержинского)
- Field Marshal Alexander Suvorov Moscow Military Music School
- Fleet Admiral of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsov Naval Academy
- Gagarin Air Force Academy In 2008, it has been amalgamated with the Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy. Joint academy was named Zhukovsky – Gagarin Air Force Academy
- General of the Army A. V. Khruleva Military Academy of Rear Services and Transportation (Военная академия тыла и транспорта)
- General Staff Academy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
- Higher Naval Engineering School
- Kronshtadt Naval Cadet Corps
- J.V. Stalin Academy
- Khabarovsk Military Commanders Training Academy
- Kharkiv Military University
- Kharkiv National University of the Ukrainian Air Force[25]
- Leningrad Military Academy of Physical Fitness "General Staff of the Armed Forces"
- Leningrad Nikolaevsky Military Engineering Technical Institute of the Armed Forces of the USSR
- Leninskiy Komsomol Submarine Navigation High Naval School
- M. V. Frunze High Naval School ;M. V. Frunze Military Academy
- Marshal Alexander Vasilevsky Military Academy of the Army Air Defense Corps (Военная академия войсковой противовоздушной обороны им. А. М. Василевского)
- Marshal Rodion Malinovsky Military Armoured Forces Academy (Военная академия бронетанковых войск им. Р. Я. Малиновского)
- Marshal A.A. Grechko Naval Academy[26]
- Marshal Georgy Zhukov Command Academy of the Air Defense Forces
- Marshal of the Soviet Union L.A. Govorov Air Defense Radio Engineering Academy (Russian: Военная инженерная радиотехническая академия им. Маршала Советского Союза Говорова Л.А.)
- Marshal Semyon Budyonny Military Signals and Communications Academy
- Marshal Semyon Timoshenko Military Academy of Chemical Defense and Control (Военная академия химической защиты им. С. К. Тимошенко)
- Mikhail Kalinin Military Artillery Academy
- Kalinin Artillery Military Academy (Военная артиллерийская академия им. М. И. Калинина)
- Military Artillery Academy "Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich"
- Military Air Combat Training Centers
- Center of Frontline Aviation, Lipetsk Air Base
- Center of Air Defense Aviation, Savasleika Саваслейка)
- Center of Naval Aviation of the Russian Navy, Ostrov (air base), near Pskov
- Center of Long Range Aviation, Dyagilevo
- Military Educational and Scientific Center (Russ. ВУНЦ) Note
- Military Educational and Scientific Center (MESC) is a type of the institution, not a single military entity. E.g. " Russian Air Force MESC Zhukovsky – Gagarin Air Force Academy". About 10 MESCs were established 2000s.
- Military Engineering University of St. Petersburg
- Military Institute of Foreign Languages now part of the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation
- Military University of the Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation (Военный университет Министерства обороны Российской Федерации)[27]
- Ministry of Defence Institute
- Ministry of Emergency Situations Civil Defence Academy
- Ministry of the Interior of Russia High Command Academy
- Moscow Felix Dzerzhinsky Federal Security Service Academy
- Moscow High Command Training School "Supreme Soviet of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic"
- Moscow Military Institute of the Russian FSS
- Moscow Military School of Infantry Training
- Moscow Military School
- Naval Engineering Institute
- Nikolaevsky Military Engineering-Technical Institute of the Armed Forces
- Nikolai Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy (Военно-воздушная инженерная академия имени профессора Н. Е. Жуковского)
- Peter the Great Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Force * Peter the Great Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Force (official Web Site) (in Russian)
- Peter the Great Naval Corps - St. Petersburg Naval Institute
- Red Army Military Technical Academy
- RKKA Military Academy
- S.O. Makarov Pacific Naval Institute
- School of Mathematics and Navigational Sciences
- St. Peterburg Military Engineering-Technical University
- St. Petersburg Military Academy of Physical Fitness Culture and Sports
- St. Petersburg Military Institute of Civil Defence of the Ministry of Emergency Situations
- St. Petersburg MVD Internal Troops Military Institute
- St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Fleet Admiral Of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsov Naval Academy
- Valerian Kuybyshev Military Engineering Academy
- Volsk Military Rear Services Training School
- WPRA 1st Soviet High Military School "All-Russian Central Executive Committee''
- WPRA Academy of Mechanized and Motorized Service
- Yekaterinburg Force Command School of Artillery
- Yuri Gagarin Military Air Academy
- Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy In 2008, it has been amalgamated with the Gagarin Air Force Academy. Joint academy was named Zhukovsky – Gagarin Air Force Academy
Soviet military academies
Russian: ЦБПиПЛС - Центры боевого применения и переучивания личного состава // Tsentry boyevogo primenyeniya i pereuchivaniya lichnogo sostava
MVD Central School
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Gordon, Yefim. Komissarov, Dmitry & Sergey. Antonov's Turboprop Twins. Hinkley. Midland. 2003. ISBN 1-85780-153-9
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Antonov,Vladimir & Gordon, Yefim & others. OKB Sukhoi. Leicester. Midland. 1996. ISBN 1-85780-012-5
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Gunston, Bill. The Osprey Encyclopaedia of Russian Aircraft 1875–1995. London, Osprey. 1995. ISBN 1-85532-405-9
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Gordon, Yefim. Komissarov, Dmitry & Sergey. OKB Yakovlev. Hinkley. Midland. 2005. ISBN 1-85780-203-9
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Gordon, Yefim & Komissarov, Dmitry. OKB Mikoyan. Hinkley, Midland. 2009. ISBN 978-1-85780-307-5
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Gordon,Yefim & Rigmant, Vladimir. Tupolev Tu-144. Midland. Hinkley. 2005. ISBN 1-85780-216-0 ISBN 978 185780 216 0
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Kotelnikov, Vladimir (2005). Russian Piston Aero Engines (1st ed.). Marlborough: The Crowood Press. ISBN 1-86126-702-9.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Gordon, Yefim. Komissarov, Dmitry & Sergey. OKB Ilyushin. Hinkley. Midland. 2004. ISBN 1-85780-187-3
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Gordon,Yefim & Komissarov, Dmitry. Antonov An-2. Midland. Hinkley. 2004. ISBN 1-85780-162-8
- 1 2 3 Gordon, Yefim. Myasischev M-4 and 3M. Hinkley. Midland. 2003. ISBN 1-85780-152-0
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Gordon, Yefim. Soviet Rocket Fighters. Hinkley, Midland. 2006. ISBN 1-85780-245-4 / ISBN 978-1-85780-245-0
- 1 2 Gordon, Yefim. Soviet Heavy Interceptors. Hinkley, Midland. 2004. ISBN 1-85780-191-1
- 1 2 3 Gordon, Yefim. Early Soviet Jet Bombers. Hinkley, Midland. 2004. ISBN 1-85780-181-4
- ↑ Gordon,Yefim & Komissarov, Dmitry. Antonov An-12. Midland. Hinkley. 2007. ISBN 1-85780-255-1 ISBN 978 1 85780 255 9
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Gordon,Yefim. & Dexter, Keith. Polikarpov's Biplane Fighters. Hinkley. Midland Publishing. 2002. ISBN 1-85780-141-5
- ↑ ГУАП (словарь сокращений и аббревиатур)
- ↑ ГУ ГВФ (словарь сокращений и аббревиатур)
- ↑ Gordon, Yefim. Lavochkin's Last Jets. Hinkley, Midland. 2004. ISBN 1-85780-253-5 / ISBN 978-1-85780-253-5
- 1 2 3 Gordon, Yefim. Sukhoi Interceptors. Hinkley, Midland. 2004. ISBN 1-85780-180-6
- 1 2 3 Nowarra, H.J. & Duval, G.R. Russian Civil and Military Aircraft 1884-1969. Watford. Harleyford. 1976. ISBN 0-85242-460-4
- ↑ Gordon, Yefim. Soviet/Russian Aircraft Weapons. Midland. 2004. ISBN 1-85780-188-1
- ↑ Gordon, Yefim. Early Soviet Jet Fighters. Hinkley, Midland. 2002. ISBN 1-85780-139-3
- 1 2 Gordon, Yefim; Khazanov, Dmitri (1999). Soviet Combat Aircraft of the Second World War, Vol. 2: Twin-Engined Fighters, Attack Aircraft and Bombers. Motorbooks / Midland Publishing Ltd. ISBN 9781857800845.
- ↑ Scott and Scott, The Armed Forces of the USSR, Westview Press, Boulder, CO, 1979, p.367
- ↑ "Kozhedub Air Force University, Kharkov: History". Archived from the original on August 25, 2011. Retrieved January 18, 2011.
- ↑ Voyennoy-Morskaya Akademiya, Leningrad, 1991, V.N. Ponikarovsky)
- ↑ Military University - unofficial site
- Gordon, Yefim. Early Soviet Jet Bombers. Hinkley, Midland. 2004. ISBN 1-85780-181-4
- Gordon, Yefim. Early Soviet Jet Fighters. Hinkley, Midland. 2002. ISBN 1-85780-139-3
- Gordon, Yefim. Sukhoi Interceptors. Hinkley, Midland. 2004. ISBN 1-85780-180-6
- Gordon, Yefim. Soviet Rocket Fighters. Hinkley, Midland. 2006. ISBN 1-85780-245-4 / ISBN 978-1-85780-245-0
- Gordon, Yefim. Soviet Heavy Interceptors. Hinkley, Midland. 2004. ISBN 1-85780-191-1
- Gordon, Yefim. Lavochkin's Last Jets. Hinkley, Midland. 2004. ISBN 1-85780-253-5 / ISBN 978-1-85780-253-5
- Gordon, Yefim & Komissarov, Dmitry & Komissarov, Sergey. OKB Ilyushin. Hinkley, Midland. 2004. ISBN 1-85780-187-3
- Gunston, Bill. The Osprey Encyclopaedia of Russian Aircraft 1875–1995. London, Osprey. 1995. ISBN 1-85532-405-9
- Antonov, Vladimir & Gordon, Yefim & others. OKB Sukhoi. Leicester. Midland. 1996. ISBN 1-85780-012-5
- Gordon, Yefim & Komissarov, Dmitry & Sergey. OKB Yakovlev. Hinkley. Midland. 2005. ISBN 1-85780-203-9
- Gordon, Yefim & Komissarov, Dmitry. OKB Mikoyan. Hinkley, Midland. 2009. ISBN 978-1-85780-307-5
- Gordon, Yefim & Komissarov, Dmitry & Sergey. OKB Ilyushin. Hinkley. Midland. 2004. ISBN 1-85780-187-3
- Gordon, Yefim & Rigmant, Vladimir. Tupolev Tu-144. Midland. Hinkley. 2005. ISBN 1-85780-216-0 ISBN 978 185780 216 0
- Gordon, Yefim & Komissarov, Dmitry. Antonov An-12. Midland. Hinkley. 2007. ISBN 1-85780-255-1 ISBN 978 1 85780 255 9
- Gordon, Yefim & Komissarov, Dmitry & Komissarov, Sergey. Mil's Heavylift Helicopters. Hinkley, Midland. 2005. ISBN 1-85780-206-3
- Gordon, Yefim. Tupolev Tu-160 "Blackjack". Hinkley, Midland. 2003. ISBN 1-85780-147-4
- Gordon, Yefim & Komissarov, Dmitry. Antonov's Jet Twins. Hinkley, Midland. 2005. ISBN 1-85780-199-7
- Gordon, Yefim & Komissarov, Dmitry. Kamov Ka-27/-32 Family. Hinkley, Midland. 2006. ISBN 1-85780-237-3 ISBN 978 1 85780 237 5
- Gordon, Yefim & Komissarov, Dmitry. Antonov An-2. Midland. Hinkley. 2004. ISBN 1-85780-162-8
- Gordon, Yefim & Rigmant, Vladimir. Tupolev Tu-114. Midland. Hinkley. 2007. ISBN 1-85780-246-2 ISBN 978 1 85780 246 7
- Gordon, Yefim & Komissarov, Dmitry. Ilyushin Il-12 and Il-14. Midland. Hinkley. 2005. ISBN 1-85780-223-3 ISBN 978 1 85780 223 8
- Gordon, Yefim. Yakovlev Yak-36, Yak-38 & Yak-41. Midland. Hinkley. 2008. ISBN 978-1-85780-287-0
- Gordon, Yefim & Komissarov, Dmitry & Sergey. Antonov's Turboprop Twins. Hinkley. Midland. 2003. ISBN 1-85780-153-9
- Gordon, Yefim. Myasischev M-4 and 3M. Hinkley. Midland. 2003. ISBN 1-85780-152-0
- Gordon, Yefim & Rigmant, Vladimir. Tupolev Tu-104. Midland. Hinkley. 2007. ISBN 978-1-85780-265-8
- Gordon, Yefim & Komissarov, Dmitry. Mil Mi-8/Mi-17. Hinkley. Midland. 2003. ISBN 1-85780-161-X
- Gordon, Yefim & Dexter, Kieth Polikarpov's I-16 Fighter. Hinkley. Midland. 2001. ISBN 1-85780-131-8
- Gordon, Yefim. Mikoyan MiG-25 "Foxbat". Hinkley. Midland. 2007. ISBN 1-85780-259-4 ISBN 978 1 85780 259 7
- Gordon, Yefim & Dexter, Kieth Mikoyan's Piston-Engined Fighters. Hinkley. Midland. 2003. ISBN 1-85780-160-1
- Gordon,Yefim & Rigmant, Vladimir. Tupolev Tu-4. Midland. Hinkley. 2002. ISBN 1-85780-142-3
- Gordon,Yefim. Sukhoi S-37 and Mikoyan MFI. Midland. Hinkley. 2001 reprinted 2006. ISBN 1-85780-120-2 ISBN 978 1 85780 120 0
- Gordon, Yefim & Khazanov, Dmitry. Yakovlev's Piston-Engined Fighters. Hinkley. Midland. 2002. ISBN 1-85780-140-7
- Gordon, Yefim & Sal'nikov, Andrey. Zablotsky, Aleksandr. Beriev's Jet Flying Boats. Hinkley. Midland. 2006. ISBN 1-85780-236-5 ISBN 978 1 85780 236 8
- Gordon,Yefim. & Dexter, Keith. Polikarpov's Biplane Fighters. Hinkley. Midland Publishing. 2002. ISBN 1-85780-141-5
- Gordon, Yefim. Soviet/Russian Aircraft Weapons. Midland. 2004. ISBN 1-85780-188-1
- Koletnikov, Vladimir. Russian Piston Aero Engines. Marlborough. The Crowood Press. 2005. ISBN 1-86126-702-9
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