The following people played for the Philadelphia Quakers for at least one game in the 1926 AFL regular season, the only one of the team’s (and the league’s) existence:[1]

Les AplundhBack1Swarthmore
Bob BeattieWingback2Princeton
Bull BehmanTackleDickenson
Charlie CartonTackle3Holy Cross
Bill ColemanGuardPennsylvania
Saville CrowtherGuardColgate
Bob DinsmoreBack4Princeton
Doc Elliott5Back6Lafayette
Jerry FayTackle7Grove City
Adrian FordWingback2Lafayette
Lou “Red” GebhardtWingbackLafayette
Knute JohnsonEndMuhlenberg
Glenn Killinger8TailbackPenn State
Joe KostosEndBucknell
Al KreuzFullbackWestern Michigan, Pennsylvania
Joe MarhefkaTailbackPenn State, Lafayette
Century MilsteadTackleWabash, Yale
Karl RobinsonCenterPennsylvania
Johnny ScottBlocking backLafayette
Butch SpagnaGuardBrown, Lehigh
George SullivanTailbackPennsylvania
Whitey ThomasEndPenn State
George TullyEndDartmouth
Charley WayBack9Penn State

1 Played fullback, blocking back (position later called “quarterback”), and wingback
2 Also played end
3 Also played center
4 Played blocking back, tailback, wingback, and fullback
5 Played five games for Cleveland Panthers before the team folded
6 Played tailback and fullback
7 Also played guard and end
8 Started 1926 season on New York Giants roster
9 Played wingback, tailback, and blocking back


  1. David S. Neft, Richard M. Cohen, and Rick Korch, The Football Encyclopedia: The Complete History of Professional Football, From 1892 to the Present (St. Martin’s Press 1994), ISBN 0-312-11435-4
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