This article features a list of islands sorted by their name beginning with the letter W.


Island's NameIsland group(s)Country/Countries
WabashOhio River,  Kentucky United States
Waderick Wells CayBahamas Bahamas
WadesPotomac River,  Maryland United States
Wadmalaw South Carolina United States
WaglanPo Toi Islands,  Hong Kong China
WaigeoRaja Ampat Islands Indonesia
WaihekeHauraki Gulf New Zealand
WakdePapua Indonesia
WakeWake Island, Pacific Ocean United States
WakenaamEssequibo River Guyana
Walcheren Zeeland Netherlands
WaldronSan Juan Islands,  Washington United States
Wales Nunavut Canada
WalfischBay of Wismar  Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Germany
Walker CayBahamas Bahamas
WalkersHorseshoe Lake,  Illinois United States
WallGeorgian Bay,  Ontario Canada
Wall Western Australia Australia
Wallis Wallis and Futuna France
Walpole Ontario Canada
WalrusPribilof Islands,  Alaska United States
Water CayBahamas,  Turks and Caicos Islands United Kingdom
Water CayBahamas Bahamas
Water CayLesser Antilles,  U.S. Virgin Islands United States
Watermelon CayLesser Antilles,  U.S. Virgin Islands United States
WangeroogeEast Frisian Islands,  Lower Saxony Germany
WarbahPersian Gulf Kuwait
Ward Rhode Island United States
Ward'sBoston Harbor,  Massachusetts United States
WardsEast River,  New York United States
Warnie KępyOder Lagoon islands Poland
WashingtonLake Michigan,  Wisconsin United States
Washington New York United States
Washington Minnesota United States
Washington Michigan United States
Washington's LandingAllegheny River,  Pennsylvania United States
Watford Bermuda United Kingdom
WatkinsPotomac River,  Maryland United States
Watling Bermuda United Kingdom
WatlingsBahamas Bahamas
WatsonBiscayne Bay,  Florida United States
Wax CayBahamas Bahamas
WaylandThimble Islands,  Connecticut United States
Weatherford CayBahamas Bahamas
Weddell Falkland Islands United Kingdom
WeepecketElizabeth Islands,  Massachusetts United States
Welk RocksLesser Antilles,  U.S. Virgin Islands United States
Well CayBahamas Bahamas
WellesleyLake Rosseau  Ontario Canada
WellesleyThousand Islands, St. Lawrence River,  New York United States
Wellington Island Antártica Chilena Province Chile
WellsOhio River,  West Virginia United States
West BrotherThe Brothers,  Hong Kong China
West BrotherIslands of San Francisco Bay,  California United States
West CaicosBahamas,  Turks and Caicos Islands United Kingdom
West CayBahamas Bahamas
West CayLeeward Islands of the Lesser Antilles,  Anguilla United Kingdom
West CayLesser Antilles,  U.S. Virgin Islands United States
West CribThimble Islands,  Connecticut United States
West Rhode Island United States
West Dog British Virgin Islands United Kingdom
West Falkland Falkland Islands United Kingdom
West Linga Shetland Islands United Kingdom
West Point Falkland Islands United Kingdom
West Reef East Island

(Da Tay A Island)

Part of the West London Reef, Spratly Islands Disputed between:


 Republic of China,



 Philippines, and


West Sand SpitBahamas,  Turks and Caicos Islands United Kingdom
West Ship Mississippi United States
West Shroud CayBahamas Bahamas
West SisterLake Erie,  Ohio United States
West Summerland KeyFlorida Keys,  Florida United States
West YorkSpratly IslandsDisputed between:
 Republic of China,
 Philippines, and
Westcott Bermuda United Kingdom
WesternGeorgian Bay,  Ontario Canada
Western DuckLake Huron,  Ontario Canada
Westham British Columbia Canada
WestonJames Bay,  Nunavut Canada
WestportMississippi River,  Missouri United States
WestrayThe North Isles,  Orkney Islands United Kingdom
Wet CayBahamas Bahamas
WetarMaluku Islands Indonesia
WhakaariBay of Plenty New Zealand
Whale CayBahamas Bahamas
Whale Bermuda United Kingdom
WhaleBay of Plenty New Zealand
Whaelback New Hampshire United States
Whalers Bermuda United Kingdom
Whalsay Shetland Islands United Kingdom
WhanganuiHauraki Gulf New Zealand
Wheatland BarWillamette River,  Oregon United States
WheelerKanawha River,  West Virginia United States
WheelingOhio River,  West Virginia United States
WhidbeyPuget Sound,  Washington United States
Whistling CayLesser Antilles,  U.S. Virgin Islands United States
White CayBahamas Bahamas
White CayBahamas,  Turks and Caicos Islands United Kingdom
WhiteOtago New Zealand
WhiteBay of Plenty New Zealand
WhitsundayWhitsunday Islands Australia
WhiteLower Lough Erne, Northern Ireland United Kingdom
White Nunavut Canada
WhiteWindward Islands of the Lesser Antilles Grenada
WhiteRoss ArchipelagoAntarctica
WhiteIsles of Shoals,  New Hampshire United States
White Bermuda United Kingdom
White Bermuda United Kingdom
White Bay CayBahamas Bahamas
White CloudGeorgian Bay,  Ontario Canada
WhitefishLake Huron  Ontario Canada
White Head New Brunswick Canada
Wicked WillLeeward Islands of the Lesser Antilles Antigua and Barbuda
WiegandBelcher Islands,  Nunavut Canada
Wild HorseFlathead Lake,  Montana United States
Wielki KrzekOder Lagoon islands Poland
WightBritish Isles United Kingdom
Wilhelm IslandSvalbard Norway
WilkesWake Island, Pacific Ocean United States
WillembergLesser Antilles,  Netherlands AntillesNetherlands Kingdom of the Netherlands
WilliamsTennessee River,  Tennessee United States
WilliamsonOhio River,  West Virginia United States
WillingdonKochi, Kerala India
WillowWillamette River,  Oregon United States
WilmingtonKankakee River,  Illinois United States
Wilson CayBahamas Bahamas
Wilson Bermuda United Kingdom
WilsonKanawha River,  West Virginia United States
Wiltshires CayBahamas Bahamas
WindermereBahamas Bahamas
WindleyFlorida Keys,  Florida United States
WindsorWillamette River,  Oregon United States
Wiroa  New Zealand
WislowFox Islands group of the Aleutian Islands,  Alaska United States
Wiszowa KępaOder Lagoon islands Poland
Witten TowheadOhio River,  West Virginia United States
WizardCrater Lake,  Oregon United States
WolfeLake Ontario,  Ontario Canada
WolinBaltic Sea Poland
Wong Wan Chau Hong Kong China
Wood CayBahamas Bahamas
WoodsLake Champlain,  Vermont United States
Woolen Dean CayBahamas Bahamas
Wotho AtollRalik Chain Marshall Islands
Wotje Atoll Marshall Islands
WrangelChukotka Autonomous Okrug Russia
WrangellAlexander Archipelago,  Alaska United States
WreckGeorgian Bay,  Ontario Canada
Wuliaru Maluku Islands Indonesia Indonesia
WuvuluBismarck Archipelago Papua New Guinea
Wydrza KępaOder Lagoon islands Poland
WyreThe North Isles,  Orkney Islands United Kingdom

See also

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