Eisenbahnknoten Chemnitz 1902
Railway network around Chemnitz in 1902.

The List of railway stations in Chemnitz covers all current, former or planned stations, halts and loading points in the current area of Chemnitz.


The columns used in the table list the information explained below:[1][2][3][4][5]

  • Name: Name of the station according to the infrastructure register of DB Netz, former stations are sorted by their last name. Divergent names of the station operators (e.g. DB Station&Service) are listed small below.
  • Type: Type of the station, former types are listed in italics with the year of the change, if known. BfBahnhof (railway station), BftBahnhofsteil (part of a station), HpHaltepunkt (halt), AnstAnschlussstelle (industrial siding), AwanstAusweichanschlussstelle (refuge siding), LdstLadestelle (loading point) (status: 2019)
  • Position: Position of the station stating the mileage and the Saxon railway line abbreviation. CA – Chemnitz–Adorf railway, CO – Küchwald–Obergrüna railway, COB – Chemnitz-Altendorf–Chemnitz Beyerstraße railway, DW – Dresden–Werdau railway, DWCh – Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf–Chemnitz Hbf railway, KC – Neukieritzsch–Chemnitz railway, KCCh – Küchwald–Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf railway, LW – Limbach–Wittgensdorf railway, LWd – Limbach–Wüstenbrand railway, NW – Neuoelsnitz–Wüstenbrand railway, RC – Riesa–Chemnitz railway, RCCh – Abzw Chemnitz-Furth–Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf railway, WbC – Wechselburg–Küchwald railway, WbCF – Chemnitz-Glösa–Chemnitz-Furth railway, ZC – Zwönitz–Chemnitz Süd railway
  • Code: Abbreviation of the station according to the Deutsche Bahn station codes.
  • Platforms: Current or last number of tracks with platforms of the station. Stations without platforms were never intended for passenger traffic.
  • Former names: Listing of station's former names and year of renaming; originally planned names below in italics.
  • Opening: Date of station opening, possibly with distinction between freight and passenger traffic.
  • Closure: Date of station closure, possibly with distinction between freight and passenger traffic.
  • Image: Photo of the station.
  • Grey highlighted stations are closed or planned.


NameTypePositionCodePlat­formsFormer namesOpeningClosureImage
until ? Bf
km 4.561 CO
km 0.000 COB
DCAuntil 1911 Chemnitz-Altendorf Güterbf
until 1953 Chemnitz-Altendorf
until 1990 Karl-Marx-Stadt-Altendorf
17 December 190328 May 2000Station view (2016)
Kosmonautenzentrum Hp
Hpkm 1.825 PEC1until ? Bahnbetriebswerk Hp1998
Chemnitz BeyerstraßeAwanst
until ? Ldst
km 0.755 COBuntil 1911 Beyerstraße Ladestelle17 December 1903 ?
(assigned to Chemnitz-Altendorf station in 1937)
Location of the abandoned station (2016)
Chemnitz-Borna HpHpkm 57.144 KCDCBH2until 1903 Borna bei Chemnitz
until 1911 Borna bei Chemnitz Haltepunkt
until 1913 Borna b. Chemnitz Hp
until 1953 Chemnitz-Borna Hp
until 1990 Karl-Marx-Stadt-Borna Hp
15 July 1901Platforms (2015)
Chemnitz-Borna LdstLdst
later Anst
km 1.85 CODCBOuntil 1911 Borna bei Chemnitz Ladestelle
until 1913 Borna b. Chemnitz Ldst
until 1953 Chemnitz-Borna Ldst
until 1990 Karl-Marx-Stadt-Borna Ldst
17 December 190325 June 1966Goods shed (2016)
until 1992 Hp and Anst
until 1933 Bf
until 1908 Ldst
km 7.440 CADCE1until 1908 Erfenschlag Ladestelle
until 1950 Erfenschlag
until 1953 Chemnitz-Erfenschlag
until 1990 Karl-Marx-Stadt-Erfenschlag
1 November 1905
1 May 1908
15 March 1967
Platform (2016)
Chemnitz-Erfenschlag OstHpkm 8.63 CADCEO1originally planned Chemnitz Kurt-Franke-Straße29 January 2022
Chemnitz FriedrichstraßeHpkm 30.840 ZCDC F130 June 2006Platform (2016)
until 1933 Ldst
(today Anst of HKW Chemnitz-Nord)
km 1.358 WbCFuntil 1911 Furth b. Chemnitz Ladestelle
until 1913 Furth b. Chemnitz
until 1953 Chemnitz-Furth
1 July 19021 June 1962Station view (2016)
Chemnitz-GlösaBfkm 21.708 WbC
km 0.000 WbCF
DCG3until 1950 Glösa
until 1953 Chemnitz-Glösa
until 1990 Karl-Marx-Stadt-Glösa
1 September 1902
1 September 1902
24 May 1998
Station building (2016)
until 1995 Hp and Anst
until 1933 Bf
km 31.445 ZCDCHA1until 1911 Harthau i. Erzgeb
until 1933 Harthau b. Chemnitz
until 1950 Harthau (b Chemnitz)
until 1953 Chemnitz-Harthau
until 1990 Karl-Marx-Stadt-Harthau
1 October 1895
1 October 1895
31 January 1969
Platform (2009)
Chemnitz HbfBfkm 79.717 DW
km −0.118 CA
km 61.731 KC
km 65.784 RC
DC14until 1904 Chemnitz
until 1911 Chemnitz Hauptbahnhof
until 1953 Chemnitz Hbf
until 1990 Karl-Marx-Stadt Hbf
1 September 1852
1 September 1852
Station building (2009)
Außenbf Chemnitz HbfBftkm 2.200 DWChuntil 1990 Außenbf Karl-Marx-Stadt Hbfpresumably 1909
Karl-Marx-Stadt-HeinersdorfHpkm 20.045 WbC1until 1904 Heinersdorf bei Chemnitz
until 1951 Heinersdorf-Draisdorf
until 1953 Chemnitz-Heinersdorf
1 September 190218 July 1977Location of the razed halt (2016)
until 1902 Ldst
km 76.619 DW
km 2.472 RCCh
DCHuntil 1904 Hilbersdorf
until 1953 Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf
until 1990 Karl-Marx-Stadt-Hilbersdorf
1 January 18991997
Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf Hp
Hpkm 0.491 DWChDCHP2until 1904 Hilbersdorf
until 1953 Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf
until 1990 Karl-Marx-Stadt-Hilbersdorf
15 August 1893Station building (2014)
Chemnitz-Hilbersdorf MuseumsbahnsteigHpkm 75.65 DW1 ?Platform (2015)
Chemnitz-KappelBfkm 83.480 DWDCKuntil 1882 Chemnitz Kohlenbahnhof
until 1904 Kappel i. Sachsen
until 1911 Chemnitz-Kappel (Güterbf)
until 1953 Chemnitz-Kappel
until 1990 Karl-Marx-Stadt-Kappel
1 June 18801997
Chemnitz-Kappel UmschlagbfBft≈ km 83.8 DWDCKC ?2 December 19681998Container terminal (1982)
Chemnitz KinderwaldstätteHpkm 59.778 RCDCKI2until 1934 Kinderwaldstätte Chemnitz
until 1953 Chemnitz Kinderwaldstätte
until 1990 Karl-Marx-Stadt Kinderwaldstätte
1 October 1911Platforms (2016)
Chemnitz KüchwaldBfkm 58.554 KC
km 0.000 KCCh
km 0.000 CO
km 23.795 WbC
DKW1until ? Küchwald Zweigstelle
until 1928 Küchwald
until ? Vorbf Küchwald
until 2018 Küchwald
2 June 1902
5 December 2018
Station view (2016)
Bahnhof KüchwaldwieseBfkm 0.0 PEC
km 2.3 PEC
DCPEK2until 1979 Pionierbahnhof Neues Leben
until 1990 Pionierbahnhof Freundschaft
1954Station building (2015)
Karl-Marx-Stadt Markersdorfer StraßeHpkm 34.275 ZC1until 1905 Oberaltchemnitz
until 1953 Altchemnitz
1 October 189515 September 1977Location of the razed halt (2016)
Chemnitz MitteHp
until 1905 Bf
until 1900 Hp
km 82.848 DWDCM2until 1904 Nicolaivorstadt Chemnitz
until 1905 Chemnitz Nicolaibahnhof
until 1953 Chemnitz Nicolaivorstadt
until 1990 Karl-Marx-Stadt Mitte
9 January 1860
17 March 2021Station building (2016)
Chemnitz MitteHpkm 82.58 DW222 March 2021
until 1950 Hp and Anst
until 1933 Bf
km 6.89 LWd1until 1939 Rabenstein
until 1950 Rabenstein (Sachs)
1 December 1897
1 December 1897
30 December 1950
Location of the razed station (2016)
Chemnitz-ReichenhainHpkm 6.060 CADCRE2until 1905 Erfenschlag
until 1908 Erfenschlag Hp
until 1953 Chemnitz-Reichenhain
originally planned Chemnitz Wasserwerk
until 1990 Karl-Marx-Stadt-Reichenhain
1 October 1877Platform (2016)
Chemnitz RiemenschneiderstraßeHpkm 32.433 ZCDCHAR115 December 2002Platform (2016)
until ? Ldst
km 6.192 CODCRLuntil 1911 Rottluff Ladestelle
until 1926 Rottluff
until 1953 Chemnitz-Rottluff
until 1990 Karl-Marx-Stadt-Rottluff
17 December 19031 January 1998Location of the razed station (2016)
Chemnitz-SchönauHpkm 85.593 DWDCC2until 1950 Wanderer-Werke
until 1953 Chemnitz Wanderer-Werke
until 1990 Karl-Marx-Stadt-Schönau
26 November 1940Platforms (2014)
Chemnitz-SiegmarBfkm 87.987 DWDCSI2until 1936 Siegmar
until 1950 Siegmar-Schönau
until 1953 Chemnitz-Siegmar
until 1990 Karl-Marx-Stadt-Siegmar
15 November 1858
15 November 1858
Station building (2009)
Chemnitz StadtparkHpkm 34.708 ZCDCST1until 1976 Karl-Marx-Stadt Scheffelstraße
until 1990 Karl-Marx-Stadt Stadtpark
27 December 197210 June 2001Platform (2016)
Chemnitz SüdBfkm 1.990 CA
km 37.963 ZC
DCS2until 1905 Altchemnitz
until 1911 Chemnitz Südbahnhof
until 1953 Chemnitz Süd
until 1990 Karl-Marx-Stadt Süd
15 November 1875
15. November 1875
Station building (2011)
Chemnitz Süd Hp
Chemnitz Süd
Hpkm 81.825 DWDCD2until 1911 Chemnitz Südbahnhof
until 1953 Chemnitz Süd
until 1990 Karl-Marx-Stadt Süd
1 October 1908Platform (2014)
Technikmuseum SeilablaufanlageHp≈ km 76.7 DW1September 2014Platform (2020)
Tennisplätze HpHpkm 1.14 PECDCPET11992Platform (2015)
platform of „Wilhelm Pieck“ repair shopHpRawWilhelm Pieck1 ? ?
Chemnitz ZwönitzbrückeBfkm 33.230 ZCDCZW2until 1905 Niederharthau
until 1953 Oberaltchemnitz
until 1990 Karl-Marx-Stadt Zwönitzbrücke
1 October 1895
1 October 1895
31 January 1969
10 June 2001
Platform (on the left, 2016)
EinsiedelBfkm 10.379 CADED2until 1940 Einsiedel
until 1953 Einsiedel (b Chemnitz)
15 November 1875
15 November 1875
1 April 1972
Station building and platform (2016)
Einsiedel August-Bebel-PlatzHpkm 11.10 CADEDP129 January 2022
Einsiedel BrauereiHpkm 11.376 CADEDB125 May 2006 ?Location of the razed halt (2016)
Einsiedel BrauereiHpkm 11.4 CADEDB129 January 2022
Einsiedel GymnasiumHpkm 9.040 CADEDH118 December 20032018Platform (2016)
Einsiedel Gymnasium
Einsiedel Hp Gymnasium
Hpkm 9.395 CADEDH129 January 2022
Einsiedel HpHpkm 8.91 CADEDH1until 1994 Einsiedel Betriebsberufsschule30 September 19721 June 2003
Grüna (Sachs)
Grüna (Sachs) Hp
Hpkm 91.240 DWDGN2until 1910 Grüna
until 1911 Grüna (Sachsen) Hp
until 1933 Grüna (Sa.) Hp
15 November 1858Platforms (2016)
Grüna (Sachs) ob BfLdst
until 1963 Bf
km 9.81 LWd1until 1910 Obergrüna
until 1911 Grüna (Sachsen) ob Bf
until 1933 Grüna (Sa.) ob Bf
1 December 1897
1 December 1897
20 March 1968
30 December 1950
Station building (2016)
Klaffenbach HpHpkm 29.540 ZCDNK K115 December 2002Platform (2016)
MittelbachHpkm 10.083 NWDMIT11 May 189611 August 1990Location of the razed halt (2016)
Neukirchen-KlaffenbachBfkm 28.810 ZCDNK2until 1903 Neukirchen i. Erzgebfreight:
1 October 1895
1 October 1895
Station building (2016)
until ? Ldst
km 9.051 COuntil 1911 Niederrabenstein Ladestelle17 December 190320 February 1968Location of the razed station (2016)
until 1950 Hp and Anst
until 1933 Bf
km 3.17 LWd1until 1911 Röhrsdorf bei Chemnitz
until 1933 Röhrsdorf b. Chemnitz
until 1953 Röhrsdorf (b Chemnitz)
1 December 1897
1 December 1897
1 February 1962
30 December 1950
Location of the razed station (2016)
Wittgensdorf MitteHpkm 54.343 KCDWIM2until 1898 Bahrmühle
until 1927 Mittelwittgensdorf
8 April 1872Station building and platform (2016)
Wittgensdorf ob BfBfkm 51.589 KC
km 6.680 LW
DWIO2until 1927 Wittgensdorffreight:
8 April 1872
8 April 1872
Station building and platform (2015)
Wittgensdorf unt BfHp
until 1967 Hp and Anst
until ? Bf
km 18.710 WbCDWIU1until 1927 Unterwittgensdorffreight:
1 September 1902
1 September 1902
13 September 1965
24 May 1998
Station building (2016)

See also


  1. Jens Herbach. "Verkehrsstationen". Sachsenschiene.de (in German). Retrieved 2021-04-19.
  2. "DB Netze Infrastrukturregister" (in German). DB Netz AG. Retrieved 2021-04-19.
  3. "Übersicht der Betriebsstellen und deren Abkürzungen aus der Richtlinie 100" (PDF; 768 KB) (in German). Deutsche Bahn AG. August 2015. Retrieved 2020-10-31.
  4. Stephan Häupel; Eberhard Schramm; Jürgen Viehweger (1998). Nebenbahnen um Wüstenbrand (in German). Verlag Kenning. ISBN 978-3-927587-94-6.
  5. MBC (2020-09-19). "Der 600-mm-Rundkurs im Küchwaldpark – die Chemnitzer Parkeisenbahn (Teil II: Streckenverlauf & Besonderes)". Eisenbahnseite.de (in German). Retrieved 2020-10-31.
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