Muñagorriren bertsoak (Basque for 'Muñagorri's bertsos') are a set of written bertsos (extemporaneous poems in Basque) written and published in Gipuzkoa (Basque Country, Spain) in 1838 during the last stage of the First Carlist War. During the war various bertso leaflets were published, promoting various factions, with some enjoying wide circulation and influence over public opinion across Basque language areas, the main Carlist stronghold.[1]

The Muñagorri bertsos were issued by José Antonio Muñagorri's faction with the aim of creating a split within Carlos de Borbón's supporters and putting an end to the war, in exchange for keeping a reduced version of home rule in the Basque Country (peace and fueros). Muñagorri's influence on the ground was small, but his talks with the liberals in Madrid paved the way to the Embrace of Bergara (1839).[1]


While the whole version extends longer, the reduced, most widely known version is made up of six stanzas, and popularized in modern times by singer-songwriter Benito Lertxundi.[2]

Muñagorriren bertsoak*[1]
Original in Basque English translation

Muñagorrik diona
bere proklamian,
gerrak ondatzen gaitu
bostgarren urtian;
igaz jarrikan Carlos
Madrilko bidian,
bultza zuten atzera,
gerra bere oñian.

Carlos agertu ezkero
probintzi auetan,
beti bizi gerade
neke ta penetan.
Naiz kendu guk deguna
beinere ezer eman;
Bost negar egiteko,
nunbait jaio giñan.

Kordoiz inguraturik
kostatik Ebrora,
trabaz gaude josirik
bera eta gora.
Atzenikan frantsesak
itxi du frontera.
Gerrak ez dakar onik
Iñundik iñora.

As told by Muñagorri
in his statement,
war ruins us
on its fifth year;
last year Carlos was
on his way to Madrid,
then pushed back,
war trod on his heels.

Since Carlos showed up
in these provinces,
we are always through
agony and hardships.
Snatches our possessions
gives nothing in return;
alas we were born
for a fair amount of tears.

Chords bind us
from the coast to the Ebro,
we are being constrained
no matter where.
Last of all, the French
shut down the border.
War brings nothing good
nothing at all.

Agintari onenak
preso daduzkate;
euskalduna izatia
du bakoitzak kalte.
Tejeiro ta Maroto
guzien alkate:
Zer gizon oyetatik
espera gentzake.

Semiak soldadu ta
preso gurasuak,
ezin pagaturikan
Trintxera lanetara
gainiera auzuak.
Dolorezkoak dira
gaur gure pausuak.

Atiak itxi eta
ogia garesti;
artua ari da
igotzen poliki;
dirua ezkutatzen da
egunero emendik.
Nola bizi garen bada,
arritutzen naiz ni.

The best rulers
are detained;
being a Basque is
in one's detriment.
Tejeiro and Maroto
are chiefs of us all:
What can we ever
expect from them.

Our sons drafted
our parents detained,
tributes any more
can not be paid.
Not least, our neighbours
are in the trenches.
Our steps are today
laden with sorrow.

Doors are closed
bread is expensive;
while (the price of) corn
goes up steadily;
money is being hidden
every day here around.
Still in wonder how we
manage to live through.

*Top to bottom, left to right


  1. 1 2 3 Zavala, Antonio (1992). Karlisten leenengo gerrateko bertsoak (in Basque). Tolosa: Auspoa. pp. 328–354. ISBN 84-7158-159-0. OCLC 954495334.
  2. "Muñagorrik diona". BDB Bertsolaritzaren datu-basea. Retrieved 28 April 2022.
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