First edition

Spring in Fialta and other stories (Весна в Фиальте и другие рассказы; "Vesna v Fialʹte i drugie rasskazy") is a collection of short stories by the Russian author Vladimir Nabokov. The collection contains 14 short stories written between 1931 and 1940.[1] It was originally planned to be published in 1939 in Paris; however, due to the approach of World War II, it became an abandoned project.[2]

The collection was first published in Russian in 1956 by the Chekhov Publishing House in New York.


  • Весна в Фиальте (Vesna v Fial'te); English translation: Spring in Fialta (1936)
  • Круг (Krug); English translation: The Circle (1934)
  • Королек (Korolek); English translation: The Leonardo (1939)
  • Тяжолый дым (Tyazhyolyy dym); English translation: Torpid Smoke (1935)
  • Памяти Л.И. Шигаева (Pamyati L.I. Shigaeva); English translation: In the Memory of L.I. Shigaeva (1934)
  • Посещение музея (Poseshchenie muzeya); English translation: The Visit to the Museum (1931)
  • Набор (Nabor); English translation: Recruiting (1935)
  • Лик (Lik); English translation: Lik (1939)
  • Истребление тиранов (Istreblenie tiranov); English translation: Tyrants Destroyed (1938)
  • Василий Шишков (Vasiliy Shishkov); English translation: Vasiliy Shishkov (1939)
  • Адмиралтейская игла (Admiralteyskaya igla); English translation: The Admiralty Spire (1933)
  • Облако, озеро, башня (Oblako, ozero, bashnya); English translation: Cloud, Castle, Lake (1937)
  • Уста к устам (Usta k ustam); English translation: Lips to Lips (1932)
  • Ultima Thule (1940)


  1. Nabokov, Vladimir (2012). Collected Stories. Penguin Classics. pp. 1057, 1058, 1060–1061. ISBN 978-0-141-19716-6.
  2. Boyd, Brian (1993). Vladimir Nabokov: The American Years. Princeton University Press. p. 265. ISBN 0691024715.

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