Rank insignia
Country Greece
Service branch Hellenic Army
NATO rank codeOF-5
Next higher rankTaxiarchos
Next lower rankAntisyntagmatarchis

Syntagmatarchis (Greek: Συνταγματάρχης; abbreviated Σχης), sometimes anglicised as Syntagmatarch, is used in modern Greek to denote the rank of colonel. It is translated as "leader of a regiment (syntagma)", and dates back to the Classical Age armies. However, the name is misleading in that the Hellenic Army retains very few regiments in its command structure. Thus, the typical responsibilities of Syntagmatarches are in staff positions, or as executive officers in brigades. Officers holding this rank should be addressed as Kyrie Syntagmatarcha (Κύριε Συνταγματάρχα).

In the modern Hellenic Army the rank is superior to an Antisyntagmatarchis (Lieutenant Colonel) and inferior to a Taxiarchos (Brigadier). The insignia consists of a flaming grenade and three golden stars.

The Greek junta, a military dictatorship which ruled the country from 1967 until 1974, is also known as "The Regime of the Colonels" because most of its chief leaders were of Colonel rank, including two of the three chief leaders, George Papadopoulos and Nikolaos Makarezos.

Rank insignia


    Flag of Greece
    Flag of Greece
    Greek commissioned officer ranks
    NATO code: OF-1 OF-2 OF-3 OF-4 OF-5 OF-6 OF-7 OF-8 OF-9
    Navy: Simaioforos & Anthypoploiarchos Ypoploiarchos Plotarchis Antiploiarchos Ploiarchos Archiploiarchos Yponavarchos Antinavarchos Navarchos
    Army: Anthypolochagos & Ypolochagos
    Ypilarchos & Anthypilarchos (Armoured)
    Ilarchos (Armoured)
    Tagmatarchis Antisyntagmatarchis Syntagmatarchis Taxiarchos Ypostratigos Antistratigos Stratigos
    Air Force: Anthyposminagos & Yposminagos Sminagos Episminagos Antisminarchos Sminarchos Taxiarchos Aeroporias Ypopterarchos Antipterarchos Pterarchos
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